What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

This is for any Canuckians around.

Yeah, I like this one. Fished a lot to it.

The truth in this song is "He knows changes aren't permanent, but change is".

Time for an American Band

I can't believe I never heard this growing up. I got robbed!

I swear all my friends would have loved this, too.

That's a lotta talent going on there!

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To the many globalist sheeple of the world (12 second tune from back in the 90's if I recall correctly and not my original but I like it because it says so very much in such little time ...)


Idk much about this. I know my uncle stormed Normandy beach, and his buddy's leg flew right in front of his face and I know he always had nightmares if he fell asleep until the day he died.

I carried him to his grave. Yes I did. He made a "Mean tunafish sandwich" though.

God bless him. He was a good man.
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