I know you have this grandiose vision of yourself Frankie where you put others before yourself. Tell me, would you let your child or grandchild go without a necessity so you could give money to one of the migrants sitting at our southern border? For example would you let your grandchild go without food so that someone you don't know could eat?
I don't have any grandchildren.
Now, I have asked you specifically how income disparity negatively impacts your life and all you can come up with is some nebulous reference to 18th Century France.
Look, Dickhead...if you think the uprisings in France during the late 18th century and in Russia during the early 20th century DID NOT IMPACT ON EVERYONE IN THOSE COUNTRIES...you are more a fool than I suppose you do be.
Not an easy thing to do...because I think you are a GREAT fool.
Come on Frankie. You are better than this.
I almost certainly am "better" than you think I am.
Let me ask the questions more specifically?
How does Warren Buffett having $40 billion negatively impact someone who makes $50,000/year? How is the latter person's life altered in a negative way?
Stop thinking on a fucking micro scale, IHA. Start thinking on a macro scale.
If the cumulative Warren Buffett phenom were to drive this nation into a class revolution...EVERYONE WOULD BE AFFECTED...including me. If I have to explain how a revolution like the French or Russian revolutions would impact on me...I doubt it would help you understand, because even someone with a grade school intelligence should be able to understand it without explanation.
Jesus H. Christ...what does it take to get that concept through that concrete skull of yours?
How does taxing Warren Buffett at 90% alleviate the suffering of said person making $50,000/year? Is the goal to take the money from Mr. Buffett and hand it directly to the person making $50,000/year?
See above...especially that last sentence.
Also Frankie, what type of income disparity is OK with you? What level of disparity are you comfortable with?
The disparity could be twice or three times as much as it is now...if the conditions were different...and I would be comfortable with it. (I would prefer it not be, but I would not be uncomfortable with it.)
If all of the national and state infrastructure were totally up-dated and safe...and EVERY person in this country had plenty of food, clothing, shelter, educational opportunity, healthcare, and a reasonable amount of recreational opportunity...I would not give a shit if the disparity were 10 times what it is now.
I do not care about how much anyone has...once all that has has been taken care of. I am much, much, much happier and more content than people I know who have MUCH more than I. I do not envy them.
All these and more I will ask of you Dear Frankie. I do hope you can do better than "18th Century France". I expect more of you Frankie. Please do not let me down.
Fuck you with that pathetic attempt at passive aggressiveness. You are pitiful at it.
So...go fuck yourself.