What the? Could global warming actually be BAD for polar bears?

And the cons had more representation on the other 2 boards, but I did not notice damo playing devils advocate for libs over there....
Surely you jest? SF used to constantly tease me about 'arguing just to argue'. I believe somebody who is good at debate can take either position, and I have on all the previous sites as well.
"I believe somebody who is good at debate can take either position"

The best debater in the universe wouldn't be able to tackle "Invading Iraq was the prudent, correct course of action"...
"I believe somebody who is good at debate can take either position"

The best debater in the universe wouldn't be able to tackle "Invading Iraq was the prudent, correct course of action"...

LOL. No but its entertaining when SF tries to tackle it.
This is such a bunch of sick lies, I very clearly stated the facts which is that

"According to the World Wildlife Fund, about 20 distinct polar bear populations currently exist, accounting for approximately 22,000 polar bears worldwide. Of those distinct populations only two, representing about 16.4 percent of the total population, are decreasing. At the same time, 10 populations representing approximately 45.4 percent of the total population are stable, and 2 populations representing about 13.6 percent of the total number of polar bears are increasing. The status of the remaining populations is unknown."

The reason I called it a good thing was because of the positive impact for whales while having no overall negative effect for polar bears.

Also it should be known by ignorant doofus Liberals that the polar bear evolved from the grizzly bear as the climate got NATURALLY colder:
Now as the climate gets NATURALLY warmer they would again perhaps evolve back to be more accustomed to deal with that.

I know Liberals are against change or regard any manmade change (which this is not anyway) as sacreligious to their primitive Gaia mindset but boohoo get used to it, the earth is warming naturally and animals do evolve to deal with that.
"The reason I called it a good thing was because of the positive impact for whales while having no overall negative effect for polar bears."

That's a lie. You both implied with your thread title & stated outright in the course of the thread that global warming was good for polar bears.

Also, warming is terrible for whales, at least according to marine biologists who study them. I don't know; maybe you know more than them, and your "fewer whales get stuck in the ice" brilliance would trump their extensive study of whale emaciation & death from diminishment of their food supply...
{puts on Dano hat}

What animal wouldn't want warmer climates? There are more berries to eat and an abundance of animals to hunt - a lot more than would have been there if global warming hadn't helped them out. You always look at the negative Lorax. What about the good that Global warming accomplishes. People in the Tundra of Russia have record high summers........one day even got up to 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

Further more even if they are dying off.......who really needs polar bears anyway? Are you effected by the polar bears? I'm certainly not. As a matter of fact I'll sleep sounder knowing that there are less of them. Afterall, they are dangerous.

So in closing, call your rep to abolish public schools.

Well, the good news is that while polar bears won't be able to quickly adapt from living off of seal meat, to foraging for pine cones and berries, we WILL be able to grow oranges and citrus fruit in the Yukon!
"The reason I called it a good thing was because of the positive impact for whales while having no overall negative effect for polar bears."

That's a lie. You both implied with your thread title & stated outright in the course of the thread that global warming was good for polar bears.

Also, warming is terrible for whales, at least according to marine biologists who study them. I don't know; maybe you know more than them, and your "fewer whales get stuck in the ice" brilliance would trump their extensive study of whale emaciation & death from diminishment of their food supply...
You're a moron, most (baleen) whale species numbers are going up except the Minke whale which (as I told you multiple times before stupid) is still being hunted.

We've been over this you lying liar and my thread was clearly explained to understand that I was calling it good because of the PROVEN non-affect to polar bears and the affect to whales. Everyone seemed to get that except for your dumbass who just likes to spend his time looking for gotchas and if he doesn't find one rides a fake one forever.

stupid stupid stupid little man.
Well, the good news is that while polar bears won't be able to quickly adapt from living off of seal meat, to foraging for pine cones and berries, we WILL be able to grow oranges and citrus fruit in the Yukon!
You're an idiot, even the absolute worst case scenarios from the most pessimistic models show warming of 6.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Not even enough to make Virginia be able to grow oranges.

Is it just me or are the Liberals extra ignorant today?
"You're a moron, most (baleen) whale species numbers are going up except the Minke whale which (as I told you multiple times before stupid) is still being hunted"

Once again, you're wearing your issues with causation on your sleeve. Some species are going up because of PROTECTIONS that are in place, as well as better enforcement.

Again, people IN THE FIELD, who actually study whales, disagree with you. Sorry about that:




And, with regard to polar bears, you stated that global warming was the reason for their population stabilizing. Clearly, with the article I posted at the top of this thread, their survival is seriously threatened by climate change.
"You're a moron, most (baleen) whale species numbers are going up except the Minke whale which (as I told you multiple times before stupid) is still being hunted"

Once again, you're wearing your issues with causation on your sleeve. Some species are going up because of PROTECTIONS that are in place, as well as better enforcement.

Again, people IN THE FIELD, who actually study whales, disagree with you. Sorry about that:



Yes, thank you for those theories on whales losing weight Lorax, unfortunately for you their population numbers are going up. Those are the facts dolt, now fuck off.
And yes I agree better protection has obviously made a difference, in fact that is what I told you stupid.

And, with regard to polar bears, you stated that global warming was the reason for their population stabilizing. Clearly, with the article I posted at the top of this thread, their survival is seriously threatened by climate change.
No stupid, I stated that WITH global warming the result is that their population is stable, in other words it either has a neglible effect or no effect at all. It was your dumb fucking illiterate ass that lyingly morphed that into me praising global warming's effect on polar bears.
I've seen the article and with some warming already we have seen no decline, the facts so far do not match the predictions.
Is this what my illiterate ass had a hard time reading?

"Global warming has resulted in a stable polar bear population along with an easier life for the many different kinds of whales"

Both statements are lies. Period.
Dano, you've jumped around from saying there is no long-term global warming trend, to saying that there is one (but it will be good for us), to saying there is one, but humans have nothing to do with it, to going back to saying there is no long term warming trend.

I can't keep track of somebody who keeps changing their postions on a monthly, if not weekly basis.
Again I want to express my thanks on your helping me to understand and deal better with extreme dumbasses like your self Dano.
Looking back who has been more correct on bush and the war ? You or I ?
Dano, you've jumped around from saying there is no long-term global warming trend, to saying that there is one (but it will be good for us), to saying there is one, but humans have nothing to do with it, to going back to saying there is no long term warming trend.

I can't keep track of somebody who keeps changing their postions on a monthly, if not weekly basis.

You are a liar Comrade P-SKI and watch your lying ass. I have posted articles to various proof QUESTIONING the prevailing thought. My beliefs have changed very little and have changed by science, they are not dogmatically held based on what I'd like to see.
I believe warming is almost certainly happening, but it's possible it is not, temps have gone up and down in previous centuries without humans, it is a certainty that someday they will fall again.
I believe warming is not manmade and is natural as it's always been.

Why don't you say what you really think? That you had no answer to any of my facts so instead you pretend that I have no coherent stable thought. Pathetic.
Again I want to express my thanks on your helping me to understand and deal better with extreme dumbasses like your self Dano.
Looking back who has been more correct on bush and the war ? You or I ?

HAHAHAHA, when losing the battle pull out the ol' Iraq war card!
ROFL! It's as good as admitting defeat.

Thanks, chuckles.
You are a liar Comrade P-SKI and watch your lying ass. I have posted articles to various proof QUESTIONING the prevailing thought. My beliefs have changed very little and have changed by science, they are not dogmatically held based on what I'd like to see.
I believe warming is almost certainly happening, but it's possible it is not, temps have gone up and down in previous centuries without humans, it is a certainty that someday they will fall again.
I believe warming is not manmade and is natural as it's always been.

Why don't you say what you really think? That you had no answer to any of my facts so instead you pretend that I have no coherent stable thought. Pathetic.

Dano, its actually patheitic that years and years later, you keep a tally or a log of people's personal information, and that whenever you get mad, you have to post an incorrect permutation implying my name. Other people have noticed that you remember obscure things they posted years ago. Do you write down and keep a log of personal information on people here? That's pretty weird.

Grow up.