What the hell is the matter with you people?

Not the pinheads, I know what's the matter with you, it's called "retardation". I am talking about people who once held prominence as conservative voices of reason here. People like klaatu and Superfreak, who have recently gone on record to 'carry the water' of the latest liberal cause. I don't understand it! Did you drink something sweet and fruity from a mysterious paper cup? Did you listen to Howard Stern non-stop for a week on XM? What the hell happened to you?

Does it not strike you as just a little bit alarming, that you find these utter morons on the left heaping praises on you in agreement? Does that not set off some red flag that maybe you need to re-evaluate what you think? I mean, if I ever hear Prissy say that he agrees with my viewpoint completely, I think I'd go have a mental evaluation or stick my head in an oven!

Time and time again, I am seeing people who I once respected, fawning over the liberal viewpoints like they are under some sort of mind control or something. I don't understand how once reasonable and rational people can be so out of whack. I realize some of you have simply fallen into the whole "I Hate Bush" trap, and I can see where some legitimate complaint is in order there, but the level of outright pinhead ignorance infecting the right, is becoming an epidemic. I mean, I expect that any day now, I am going to come here and find Toby campaigning for Hillary! At this point, nothing would surprise me!

You guys need to take a break, assess your views objectively, consider what you are basing your viewpoints on, and try to regain some grasp on reality here! It's getting damn ridiculous! It's like you've just bought into the whole liberal agenda, hook line and sinker, and you seem completely oblivious to that fact. Some idiot pinhead says something, and next thing you know, you are falling all over yourself like John McCain to agree with them! Have you all lost your frickin' minds, or what?

Hell, I'm beginning to wonder if the liberals might have put something in our water supply! Maybe they are subliminally controlling you through Simon Cowell? There has to be some logical reason all the cons are turning into pinhead idiots! It's damn sure not because the pinhead idiots suddenly became right about everything!
I haven't heaped praise on Superfreak I can tell you that. I saw him beat you on a point, and thought to myself, "well, at least that immature dickhead bested somebody today". I mean, if that's what you want to call "heaping praise on someone". But I only thought it anyway.

Klaatu can be rational sometimes, if on the prickly side. I guess he should kill himself now though! Dixie doesn't approve of him!

It does amuse me how long you will take to write these comedic pieces about "pinheads" though Dixie. And parts of them are quite funny, so one of us should thank you for it.

And maybe, one of us will. I don't know.
Oh and one more thing:

"If I ever see Cypress "say that he agrees with my (dixie's)viewpoint completely, I think I'd go have a mental evaluation or stick my head in an oven! "

What you do with your head is one thing, but if I ever see him say any such thing, he is totally coming off of my "doable" list.
Dixie, you've got it all wrong. You are not a "Conservative" in the true sense, so honest Conservative viewpoints are lost on you. You are what is known as a "Republican Bitch", more commonly referred to as a Neocon.

It does not surprise me a wink that you consider a political party's platform (R) to be the Bible of Conservatism. But then the consistency of you being wrong does not surprise me either. You're wrong about most of the shit you talk about, and as usual you're wrong on this one as well.

I hear they're doing a $1,000 per plate dinner for Wolfowitz' lobby out in Birmingham this week. Pony up you real conservative you. lol
Not the pinheads, I know what's the matter with you, it's called "retardation". I am talking about people who once held prominence as conservative voices of reason here. People like klaatu and Superfreak, who have recently gone on record to 'carry the water' of the latest liberal cause. I don't understand it! Did you drink something sweet and fruity from a mysterious paper cup? Did you listen to Howard Stern non-stop for a week on XM? What the hell happened to you?

Does it not strike you as just a little bit alarming, that you find these utter morons on the left heaping praises on you in agreement? Does that not set off some red flag that maybe you need to re-evaluate what you think? I mean, if I ever hear Prissy say that he agrees with my viewpoint completely, I think I'd go have a mental evaluation or stick my head in an oven!

Time and time again, I am seeing people who I once respected, fawning over the liberal viewpoints like they are under some sort of mind control or something. I don't understand how once reasonable and rational people can be so out of whack. I realize some of you have simply fallen into the whole "I Hate Bush" trap, and I can see where some legitimate complaint is in order there, but the level of outright pinhead ignorance infecting the right, is becoming an epidemic. I mean, I expect that any day now, I am going to come here and find Toby campaigning for Hillary! At this point, nothing would surprise me!

You guys need to take a break, assess your views objectively, consider what you are basing your viewpoints on, and try to regain some grasp on reality here! It's getting damn ridiculous! It's like you've just bought into the whole liberal agenda, hook line and sinker, and you seem completely oblivious to that fact. Some idiot pinhead says something, and next thing you know, you are falling all over yourself like John McCain to agree with them! Have you all lost your frickin' minds, or what?

Hell, I'm beginning to wonder if the liberals might have put something in our water supply! Maybe they are subliminally controlling you through Simon Cowell? There has to be some logical reason all the cons are turning into pinhead idiots! It's damn sure not because the pinhead idiots suddenly became right about everything!

Being a conservative is about protecting your people and american freedoms, not selling them both out because corporations and jews tell you to.
I haven't heaped praise on Superfreak I can tell you that. I saw him beat you on a point, and thought to myself, "well, at least that immature dickhead bested somebody today".

You must be reading different threads than me, because the one I know about, he is currently spinning like a $2 top, and desperately trying to cling to anything at this point, to avoid completely losing his ass and credibility forever. Now, he did pop off his smart mouth, like you liberals always like to do when you can't make your point, but I think most of us mature people realize, that is neither making a point or winning a debate.
Some just are not as lamely drooling over Bush in his jeans like you Dixie.

You are about as bright as the poop shute on a Malimute Dixie
Do you hate the jews Dixie?

No, but AssHat does. He just can't say it because it's politically incorrect. He demonstrates his hatred for the Jews in almost every post he makes, like the one above mine, which is why I thought he might enjoy some native banter.

Why are you slummin' over here in my threads? Did SR piss you off again?
SR and I get along pretty well now days.

He is showing a glimmer of insight these days, I think it has to do with his going into the service.

He knows he will be in Iraq soon.

I hope he stays safe but I also hope it teaches him the reality of this war.

You will never see the reality
SR and I get along pretty well now days.
He is showing a glimmer of insight these days, I think it has to do with his going into the service.

See guys? This is what I'm talking about here! I swear, I am leaning more toward the 'mind control' theory than the 'something in the water' theory, I think it would be effecting us all if that were the case. Plus, the Liberals control the media, so that is even more evidence for the 'mind control'.

You guys should stop watching TV for a while. I'm serious, I think they are brainwashing you through the media and you aren't even aware of it! You are thinking you are just watching Katie Couric doing a fluff piece, next thing you know, you are chaining yourself to a tree with Daryl Hannah!
Dixie, you've got it all wrong. You are not a "Conservative" in the true sense, so honest Conservative viewpoints are lost on you. You are what is known as a "Republican Bitch", more commonly referred to as a Neocon.

This is one of the clearest and most astute oberservations ever made on this board.
I haven't heaped praise on Superfreak I can tell you that. I saw him beat you on a point, and thought to myself, "well, at least that immature dickhead bested somebody today".

You must be reading different threads than me, because the one I know about, he is currently spinning like a $2 top, and desperately trying to cling to anything at this point, to avoid completely losing his ass and credibility forever. Now, he did pop off his smart mouth, like you liberals always like to do when you can't make your point, but I think most of us mature people realize, that is neither making a point or winning a debate.

Huh, sounds like the same threads I've run into him on.

Oh well what I can tell you Dixie...just because he's an asshole don't make you no rocket scientist, ya know?
Dixie, you've got it all wrong. You are not a "Conservative" in the true sense, so honest Conservative viewpoints are lost on you. You are what is known as a "Republican Bitch", more commonly referred to as a Neocon.

This is one of the clearest and most astute oberservations ever made on this board.

See Beefy? Prissy is in total agreement... PRISSY! About the biggest liberal goofball on the planet besides Jarhead and Desh! Now, I know you think you are pretty much "middle of the road" and you have demonstrated some level of intelligent thought at times, so... doesn't this kinda disturb you a little, that Prissy is praising you for making a 'brilliant point'? Damn, it would disturb the hell outta me, that's for sure!
I probably shouldn't tell this here, but what the heck... I know how the pinheads could get rid of me forever! Just work out a plan for some of you to start coming here posting comments of praise and agreement with me! After a couple of days of it, I would seriously start questioning my mental health, and eventually it would scare me so bad, and make me so paranoid that you had gotten to me too, and I was turning into a total pinhead, I would check myself into the mental hospital and be gone forever!:shock:
See Beefy? Prissy is in total agreement... PRISSY! About the biggest liberal goofball on the planet besides Jarhead and Desh! Now, I know you think you are pretty much "middle of the road" and you have demonstrated some level of intelligent thought at times, so... doesn't this kinda disturb you a little, that Prissy is praising you for making a 'brilliant point'? Damn, it would disturb the hell outta me, that's for sure!

No Dix, it doesn't bother me at all. You see, I don't put myself in a little box and then let my ego force me to defend some strange identity that I've created for myself.

It is what it is. I couldn't give less of a shit as to what labels you find to be out of bounds, or which are acceptable. I do know however, that you can't distinguish between a label and a belief system.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, because it's the damned truth. To you, its like putting a square peg in a round hole, but it is the damned truth. Live with it.
You see, I don't put myself in a little box and then let my ego force me to defend some strange identity that I've created for myself.

Sure you do! I can see your big fat ass in that little box just to the left of your name! Your ego is one of the biggest ones here, you constantly strut around acting like you are superior to the rest of us, because you are an 'enlightened libertarian'. Woooo!