What the hell is the matter with you people?


Ive been pretty much on the same page for the past year and have been pushed by a combination of things to become more vocal in my opposition to the actions of this current Administration. See Dixie.., you are confusing the issues here.., you are implying that I have undergone an ideological change when in reality Ive reached a "clear" (sorry for borrowing this scientology term) state. My being against this War effort and on the side of World Scientists in terms of Climate Change does not make me a liberal. Maybe to you it does, and if this is the case... I suggest you are the one that needs to evaluate your mental health.

Lets take a look at how irrational you Neo-Cons are....; Chuck Hagel has one of the best Conservative Voting records in the Senate ... yet you Neo-Cons have managed to all but black list him simply because the Man had the balls to break away and speak out against the tactical cluster fuck aka the Iraq War. Is that your America Dixie? Anyone who breaks away from what you percieve as Neo-Conservative Conventional Wisdom..we become the enemy?

Dixie, you better get used to the Chuck Hagels of the world ... Ive got a feeling we are going to take back the Conservative Cause... shit you can have the Republican Party.... I dont want to be associated with the mess that they have made over the past 6 years. World Conditions ... these past 6 years rate with the worst Ive seen.. and I go back 50 years.

This is how bad it is Dixe... I would pick any of the Candidates that are now running for President over a Neo-Con. I suspect Guiliani as being a Neo-Con, Romney is a Neo-Con and I wonder about McCain .... so that leaves the Democrats... and I will support the Democrats to rid this country of Neo-Cons.
Chuck Hagel? Great Conservative voice? ...Damn, it's worse than I thought!

...been pushed by a combination of things to become more vocal in my opposition to the actions of this current Administration.

Tell me klaatu? Have you been watching a lot of Katie Couric? Do you feel the urge to go chain yourself in a tree with Daryl Hannah? Just curious.

See Dixie.., you are confusing the issues here..,

Hmmm... commas where periods should be... making typical pinhead retorts... yes, it's obvious you are infected!

Lets take a look at how irrational you Neo-Cons are....;

Oooo... pinhead rhetoric and labels!! ...does the name "Dick Cheney" have an effect on your blood pressure?

Dixie, you better get used to the Chuck Hagels of the world

Oh, I am used to pinheads, that's about all I ever talk to here these days. It's getting pretty lonely being the only voice of reason, but that's okay, someone has to make sense.

these past 6 years rate with the worst Ive seen.. and I go back 50 years.

Oh my god, they've erased your memory! It really IS worse than I thought! You have no recollection of 1979? Gas lines? Double-digit inflation?

Stay away from the TV klaatu, it's poisoning your mind, and you don't even realize what is happening to you! I bet it has something to do with Ted Turner and Linda Bloodworth-Thomas! Along with George Soros and Babs Striesand! OMG, I hope it's not to late to save you! ...Go camping! Get away for a while, don't keep sitting there watching the tube and become more brainwashed by their mind controlling forces! There's still hope klaatu!
No, but AssHat does. He just can't say it because it's politically incorrect. He demonstrates his hatred for the Jews in almost every post he makes, like the one above mine, which is why I thought he might enjoy some native banter.

Why are you slummin' over here in my threads? Did SR piss you off again?

I don't hate jews. I just don't suffer from CJDD or Chronic Judeo Deferential Disorder. Clinically speaking, it's the inability to ever disagree with a jew, no matter what shit policy they advocate for our country. They're buildng Olam Ha Ba, wtf are you doing?
Chuck Hagel? Great Conservative voice? ...Damn, it's worse than I thought!

...been pushed by a combination of things to become more vocal in my opposition to the actions of this current Administration.

Tell me klaatu? Have you been watching a lot of Katie Couric? Do you feel the urge to go chain yourself in a tree with Daryl Hannah? Just curious.

See Dixie.., you are confusing the issues here..,

Hmmm... commas where periods should be... making typical pinhead retorts... yes, it's obvious you are infected!

Lets take a look at how irrational you Neo-Cons are....;

Oooo... pinhead rhetoric and labels!! ...does the name "Dick Cheney" have an effect on your blood pressure?

Dixie, you better get used to the Chuck Hagels of the world

Oh, I am used to pinheads, that's about all I ever talk to here these days. It's getting pretty lonely being the only voice of reason, but that's okay, someone has to make sense.

these past 6 years rate with the worst Ive seen.. and I go back 50 years.

Oh my god, they've erased your memory! It really IS worse than I thought! You have no recollection of 1979? Gas lines? Double-digit inflation?

Stay away from the TV klaatu, it's poisoning your mind, and you don't even realize what is happening to you! I bet it has something to do with Ted Turner and Linda Bloodworth-Thomas! Along with George Soros and Babs Striesand! OMG, I hope it's not to late to save you! ...Go camping! Get away for a while, don't keep sitting there watching the tube and become more brainwashed by their mind controlling forces! There's still hope klaatu!

Dix... You can do better than this... its a suck ass response.... weak..very weak.

Ok...let me rip you to shreads one by one ....

Hagel ... what is your definition of Conservative? How far up the ass one will take it from the Bushwackers? Here is mine... in reality Hagel scores a 96 rating from the American Conservative Union (ACU).


According to the National Journal - Composite Conservative Score's calculations, in 2005, Senator Hagel voted more conservative on economic, defense and foreign policy issues than 69 percent of the Senators.

Ok enough of that.

As far as Daryl Hannah.. she makes a strong case for Greasoline.. ever hear of that Dixie? Its a great Alternative for Diesel Engines. It'll prolong the life of your precious Internal Combustion Engine.....

Grammar Insults? Weak

"Pinhead rhetoric and labels" This coming from the guy who cant get past one post without labeling liberals!

But I will give you partial credit for calling me on the 1979 state of the economy...even though I was referring to the State of Foreign Affairs....iow the State of the World under a Bush Presidency.
Dix... You can do better than this... its a suck ass response.... weak..very weak.

Yes... you are definitely one of THEM now.....

Hagel scores a 96 rating from the American Conservative Union (ACU).

Yes, and klaatu scored a 96 rating from Dixies Conservative Voice of Reason on Political Message Boards Index (DCVRPMBI) in 2005... this is why I am so concerned! All the people who once were reasonable, are turning into complete idiot pinheads before my very eyes! So, they got to Chuck too... that was your point?

As far as Daryl Hannah.. she makes a strong case for Greasoline.. ever hear of that Dixie? Its a great Alternative for Diesel Engines. It'll prolong the life of your precious Internal Combustion Engine.....

Jeesh, I wish I could take credit for the internal combustion engine, but it isn't "mine" at all. Hey, tell me something though, while we're on this subject... How do you limousine liberals manage to power your limos and jets? Certainly you aren't using "MY" internal combustion engine, are you? I mean, that would be... well... hypocritical, right?

(...Okay Dixie, take note... they also turned klaatu into a wacko environmentalist!)

"Pinhead rhetoric and labels" This coming from the guy who cant get past one post without labeling liberals!

Oh I don't 'label' them, I just call 'em like I see 'em!

But I will give you partial credit for calling me on the 1979 state of the economy...even though I was referring to the State of Foreign Affairs...

Yes, it's coming back to you now, isn't it? Think hard about our foreign affairs in 1979... Iran... Hostages? Jimmy Carter? Any of this ringing a bell? C'mon klaatu, I know you can do it, I saw a glimmer of hope there... think hard about this... what would Ronald Reagan do? Would he just give up and succumb to the wacko pinhead views? Snap out of it!!
Dixie, not everybody thinks Bush looks sexy in tight blue jeans.

You're just going to have to reconcile that fact for yourself..
"I love to see him working on his ranch like Reagan did, I love to see him do an interview in blue jeans, I even love when he managels his salybals."

Wow, I don't see a single mention of Bush looking sexy in tight jeans, do you? I guess Prissy is just fantasizing, huh? I never knew he had a thing for Dubya like that, but it doesn't really surprise me.
"I love to see him working on his ranch like Reagan did, I love to see him do an interview in blue jeans, I even love when he managels his salybals."

Wow, I don't see a single mention of Bush looking sexy in tight jeans, do you? I guess Prissy is just fantasizing, huh? I never knew he had a thing for Dubya like that, but it doesn't really surprise me.

Note to Dixie:

Its not normal for a straight dude to really notice how a dude looks in blue jeans, let alone write about it in a public forum.
Hey Dixie and everyone else long time no Talk.

As for Superfreak all I can say is that I respect him a great deal as a poster. He more than anyone else will stick up for someone regardless of political affiliation if he believes they are right or are being attacked unfairly.

I remember a few years ago on politics.com Super and SR got into an argument because Super defended Desh from a false statement made by SR. Now we of course know there is no love lost between those two. Super defended her not because of who she was but simply because he was defending what he saw as the truth. I took a peak at the thread you guys are talking about and it seems he is doing the same here.

Its funny that you are so heated in argument with him when your political ideals regarding abortion are very close. Super is just doing what he always does fight for what he sees as the truth. Sometimes that will put him standing on the side of the liberals he so loves to argue against. He follows the idea of attack falsehood first liberals second.

BTW Dixie we've been on these boards a long time and I have witnessed some change in you as well. You have crept slightly to the left of where you were in the full politics days and I can honestly say without bias that your ability to debate has improved and thus your stances will have moderated a bit.

It makes sense anyway. These are forums for exchange of ideas and although we would never be swayed immediately by the views of others here we are slowly tempered here. Radicals exist where there is a vacuum of voices from the other side.
I just wish SF could learn that the intent behind a word is, effectively, trivial. What matters is how it is perceived by the hearer, not what the speaker meant it to mean. Take the phrase "human life" for example.

Other than that, i've no problem with him. :cof1:
On that I would disagree. Words are powerful things and the intent behind them matters even more than the consequences of their use. Concentrating on effect encourages self censorship which may not be necessary.

I haven't been around though so maybe your allusion to this with super is more nuanced.
IHG, super is ok, no problems there . And yes Dix is leaning a bit more left, but still has his head up his butt ;)
I think that would be the case no matter which way he leaned though.

You appear to have mellowed a bit as well...
I think that both Dixe and Sfreak are too freaking funny to get so serious over.

I defy anyone to tell me they read the first post in this thread and didn’t nearly piss themselves laughing.

I am the only person from my old board who found this real disturbed freak, SJ, hysterical though. I mean, he wasn’t intentionally funny, but still, a win is a win, and he was hands down the funniest person on the board. I don’t know, maybe I have a weird sense of humor.