What this crisis reveals about US?

Esp. that one. He claimed to be a native from Lac Du Flambeau in Wisconsin. Since then he's gone on several racist rants about natives. I bet he's also (depending on his audience) a doctor, a pilot, a best-selling author, a movie star, a top rock guitarist, an undersea explorer, a millionaire, and King of Narnia. :laugh:

Lying again I see. Not one post of mine ever said I was a " native" meaning native American. NOT one. Show me the post,....you cant!
Owl also posted that I made posts where I claimed to be a doctor and an Educator. She made this post only two weeks ago. Can anyone in here show these so called posts she claims I made?? No you cant because it never happened. Pretty easy to see who the real liar is here,....drunk old buzzard bitch,...not me.
What a “spectacular failure of leadership”, In January, US president Donald Trump said Covid-19 was “totally under control”. The next month, as the virus swept the world, he predicted it would soon disappear – “like a miracle” – and, just last week, he said he hoped the US would be “open by Easter”. This week, as the country’s death toll passed 4,000 – more than China’s official toll, or the number who perished on 9/11 – Trump finally admitted that won’t be possible. Instead, he said that his administration would have done a “very good job” if it kept the death toll below 200,000. As of Wednesday, the US had 190,000 cases (more than China and Italy combined).
source: http://www.vikilix.com/2020/04/04/what-this-crisis-reveals-about-us/

That's what this crisis reveals about Trump, not the US. This CNN video "Saluting America's COVID-19 heroes" says more about what this crisis reveals about the US: https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2020/04/03/coronavirus-heroes-salute-cnnheroes.cnn

Trump's painful dilemma

(CNN)President Donald Trump and his team face a painful dilemma: If they take the draconian measures necessary to halt the coronavirus pandemic the economy will likely fall into not just a recession, but even a depression. On the other hand, if they take only half measures to halt the spread of the virus we could see the worst pandemic in American history.

The Trump administration has, by default, fallen into something of a middle ground between these two paths that is likely to lead both to a bad pandemic and a deep recession.

The costs of letting the disease spread uncontrollably were laid out in sobering detail in a study published last week by Imperial College, London. It found that as many as 2.2 million people could die of Covid-19 in the US if the disease were to spread completely uncontrolled. By way of comparison, 675,000 American died of the Spanish flu in 1918.


(CNN)President Donald Trump and his team face a painful dilemma: If they take the draconian measures necessary to halt the coronavirus pandemic the economy will likely fall into not just a recession, but even a depression. On the other hand, if they take only half measures to halt the spread of the virus we could see the worst pandemic in American history.

The Trump administration has, by default, fallen into something of a middle ground between these two paths that is likely to lead both to a bad pandemic and a deep recession.

The costs of letting the disease spread uncontrollably were laid out in sobering detail in a study published last week by Imperial College, London. It found that as many as 2.2 million people could die of Covid-19 in the US if the disease were to spread completely uncontrolled. By way of comparison, 675,000 American died of the Spanish flu in 1918.



he is now faced w/ the same/very similar dilemma as Hoover..... I hope that I am wrong but it seems he is leaning towards making the same mistakes as well..

His lashing out & temper tantrums towards, doctors, hospitals & states will not serve him or the nation well but are sadly indicative of someone suffering & struggling to keep up w/ events..
hindsight is 2020, dipshit.

Read post 12. It is a continuing saga of lies and mistakes. Have someone in your bunker read it to you and explain it. Asshole,prick, dumb fuck dork shit for brains. See how much better my post became when I added the names? Why do you do that?
It reveals that we have a nation of selfish assholes who hoard toilet paper. How appropriate since they are full of shit.
The Brexit bullshit revealed that the UK was a sick society, but the Covid 19 lurgy has made a lot of people pull themselves together and remember who they are. Let's hope it lasts! In the US it has revealed the desperate importance of the States when the Centre goes mad. Do get shot of the Fatman!
Funny.....I live in Wisconsin, Our 1 TERM Dem Governor along with Joe Biden are pushing for the primary to go on as scheduled instead of delaying for a few weeks out of safety concerns. Polling stations and Corona???....Hmmmm. Seems Dems only care about public safety when it benefits them or when playing politics.. Then again,...whats new.

I think you are confused, the courts ruled the election must take place. The Governor tried to delay it.
Read post 12. It is a continuing saga of lies and mistakes. Have someone in your bunker read it to you and explain it. Asshole,prick, dumb fuck dork shit for brains. See how much better my post became when I added the names? Why do you do that?

exhaustive list of petty bullshit
how is a hint of optimism a failure of leadership?

A "hint of optimism" AssHat???

Jesus H. Christ...have you read the list OwlWoman posted of what the fucking moron has said during the last 3 months. He is a lying, uninformed, ignorant sack of shit...not someone with even a tiny, mote-sized spec of optimism.

He is totally lacking in the most fundamental of human emotions...sympathy and empathy.

How can you continue your support for this abomination?
...and, no matter how deplorable he is, he was the better choice of the two nominated by the major parties.

Hillary Clinton was and is a much better choice than this abomination.

Anyone who thinks Trump was the better choice is aiding and abetting the destruction of our Republic by this untalented, ignorant, uninformed, preening, classless boor.
exhaustive list of petty bullshit

How sad you are. Facts are not able to penetrate your cultish Trumpianism. There is no point providing you with reality because you have replaced it with your own screwed up fantasy and claim it is the truth. I feel sorry for you. That is no way to go through life.
Hillary Clinton was and is a much better choice than this abomination.

Anyone who thinks Trump was the better choice is aiding and abetting the destruction of our Republic by this untalented, ignorant, uninformed, preening, classless boor.

Disagreed. Even the Democrats are happy she's gone and the Clinton political machine destroyed. How do you think everyone else feels?

Our Republic isn't being destroyed by Trump. He's not helping it either. He's just a fucking moron with a title.
How sad you are. Facts are not able to penetrate your cultish Trumpianism. There is no point providing you with reality because you have replaced it with your own screwed up fantasy and claim it is the truth. I feel sorry for you. That is no way to go through life.

all those bullet points don't add up to anything substantial. its all petty bullshit.