What this crisis reveals about US?

For those Trumpers who haven't had the full brain operation yet, what the crisis reveals about the US is that if you choose to be ruled by a senile bully you didn't vote for, a man who the majority rejected and who is interested only in his ratings, you will gets facts denied and nothing whatever done except by the individual states, while the country as a whole becomes, despite all the warnings, the worst-affected in the world. You stupid, murderous buggers!
For those Trumpers who haven't had the full brain operation yet, what the crisis reveals about the US is that if you choose to be ruled by a senile bully you didn't vote for, a man who the majority rejected and who is interested only in his ratings, you will gets facts denied and nothing whatever done except by the individual states, while the country as a whole becomes, despite all the warnings, the worst-affected in the world. You stupid, murderous buggers!
I guess you're happy you don't live here;) Your continued concern is quite touching, though...
For those Trumpers who haven't had the full brain operation yet, what the crisis reveals about the US is that if you choose to be ruled by a senile bully you didn't vote for, a man who the majority rejected and who is interested only in his ratings, you will gets facts denied and nothing whatever done except by the individual states, while the country as a whole becomes, despite all the warnings, the worst-affected in the world. You stupid, murderous buggers!

and what this tells us about the Welsh is that they are stupid enough to listen to the demmycunt's lies.....
I guess you're happy you don't live here;) Your continued concern is quite touching, though...

As I've frequently said, take your stormtroopers home and no-one will give a bugger for you, sonny Jim! Why not spend your money on a decent health service, for instance, instead of world-wide armed robbery for your rich?
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As I've frequently said, take your stormtroopers home and no-one will give a bugger for you, soney Jim! Why not spend your money on a decent health service, for instance, instead of world-wide armed robbery for your rich?
Ok....thanks again...have a lovely afternoon....
As I've frequently said, take your stormtroopers home and no-one will give a bugger for you, soney Jim! Why not spend your money on a decent health service, for instance, instead of world-wide armed robbery for your rich?

Exactly. Why? Because "freedom" -- which apparently includes freedom to die of curable ailments because you think that govt.-provided health care insurance is the devil's tool.

"Conservatives" like Toxic Top there believe that everything they got they earned themselves, and by God, they don't want you to have it too. They seem to forget that everything they got they have because others sacrificed part of their own money (via taxation) in order to provide them with education, the infrastructure necessary to get to work, safety, etc.