What Thomas Jefferson learned from the Muslim book of jihad

Name one. (Not including that wierd guy who protests at soldiers funerals of one that Janet Reno burned down.)

Umm read the article and see what thomas jefferson said about the trinity.

I can't do all your thinking for ya. but here.

Thomas Jefferson dismissed the Trinity as "incomprehensible jargon."

btw that funeral protester guy deserves to die.
Umm read the article and see what thomas jefferson said about the trinity.

I can't do all your thinking for ya. but here.

Thomas Jefferson dismissed the Trinity as "incomprehensible jargon."

btw that funeral protester guy deserves to die.

Was this before or after he lost his faith?

The pastor at Westboro will die eventually and be judged then.
A deist is not a "Christian that follows no church" or whatever you said. A deist is a noahide.

No, a deist is someone that believes in God but also believes He doesn't interfere with the Universe or humanity.

Jefferson, of course, is famous for this because of the Jefferson Bible.

Apparently a "Noahide" is a group of Jews that believe in 7 laws that should be followed by all mankind (most of which already are laws).
No, a deist is someone that believes in God but also believes He doesn't interfere with the Universe or humanity.

Jefferson, of course, is famous for this because of the Jefferson Bible.

Apparently a "Noahide" is a group of Jews that believe in 7 laws that should be followed by all mankind (most of which already are laws).

Noahides are explicitly NON JEWS but who are bound in servitude to jews, who will become a global priesthood of a new global theocracy. All of this is according to Jewish Rabbinic teachings, or the Oral Law of judaism. The Chabad Lubavitch organization posts a lot of information on the noahide laws. And there are many B'Nai Noach, organizations, which are a bunch of self hating people who have had their identities manipulated by this insidious doctrine, and are , unbeknownst to themselves, preparing for a life of slavery. It's Interesting.
Noahides are explicitly NON JEWS but who are bound in servitude to jews, who will become a global priesthood of a new global theocracy. All of this is according to Jewish Rabbinic teachings, or the Oral Law of judaism. The Chabad Lubavitch organization posts a lot of information on the noahide laws. And there are many B'Nai Noach, organizations, which are a bunch of self hating people who have had their identities manipulated by this insidious doctrine, and are , unbeknownst to themselves, preparing for a life of slavery. It's Interesting.

:( You believing this stuff would be really funny if you were some 13-year-old kid pissed off at the world, but aren't you supposed to be a real person?
So, there are people bound in servitude to 4000-year-old codes like Noahidic Law, but there is no one running around spouting Hammurabi's Code or any other codified law from ancient Mesopotamia? Sounds like we pick on the one of them because of them there Jews...
If the definition of Deist means "Christan but follower of no church" then you are dead on. The Founders dispised the Church of England that granted power through the King supposedly from God. Thus they did everything in their power to refute the King's assertion.
Deists believe that God created the Universe but does not take an active part in it thereafter.
Deism is a religious philosophy and movement that derives the existence and nature of God from reason and personal experience. This is in contrast to fideism which is found in many forms of Christianity[1]. Islam, Judaism and Catholic teachings hold that religion relies on revelation in sacred scriptures or the testimony of other people as well as reasoning.

Deists typically reject supernatural events (prophecy, miracles) and tend to assert that God does not interfere with human life and the laws of the universe. What organized religions see as divine revelation and holy books, most deists see as interpretations made by other humans, rather than as authoritative sources.

Deism became prominent in Great Britain, France, and the United States in the 17th and 18th centuries, mostly among those raised as Christians who found they could not believe in either a triune God, the divinity of Jesus, miracles, or the inerrancy of scriptures, but who did believe in one God. Initially it did not form any congregations, but in time deism led to the development of other religious groups, particularly Unitarianism. It continues to this day in the form of Classical Deism and Modern Deism.


Umm from that i would assume that all deists will go to hell, umm that is if they believe in it :) I did not read the whole thing, but it sounds like they probably do not believe in hell.
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Deism became prominent ... mostly among those raised as Christians who found they could not believe in either a triune God, the divinity of Jesus, miracles, or the inerrancy of scriptures, but who did believe in one God. .....

The words "either" and "or" are criticla here. As I said earlier, the Founderds detested the Church of England. As many of the Founders mention Christ in their writings it is clear that they were belivers in Him. If you choose to call this "deism" then that is as valid as me calling them Christians.
So, there are people bound in servitude to 4000-year-old codes like Noahidic Law, but there is no one running around spouting Hammurabi's Code or any other codified law from ancient Mesopotamia? Sounds like we pick on the one of them because of them there Jews...

There are growing B'Nai Noach organizations all around the U.S. I pick on any form of theocracy, Islam, Christian, Noahide, whichever. A careful study of modern christianity would reveal that it has become a noahide doctrine.
The words "either" and "or" are criticla here. As I said earlier, the Founderds detested the Church of England. As many of the Founders mention Christ in their writings it is clear that they were belivers in Him. If you choose to call this "deism" then that is as valid as me calling them Christians.

Umm I did not write the data I posted from the link. talk to the authors.