What types of speech should be banned?

Yes which his why he took a quick exit.

I have had an interesting debate with a conservative. All Hitler did was making speeches. Nothing to do with gassing and killing Jews and others.

Only thing Hitler did was exercising his free speech for Germany and retards did shit.

In other words, free speeches have consequences.
I have had an interesting debate with a conservative. All Hitler did was making speeches. Nothing to do with gassing and killing Jews and others.

Only thing Hitler did was exercising his free speech for Germany and retards did shit.

In other words, free speeches have consequences.

Hitler was giving orders behind the scenes and okaying projects. The Death Camps were built with his go-ahead.

You know, like the Insurrection was planned with Trump's go-ahead. :)
What is Trump's liability for 1/6 and five dead Americans? All the maimings and injuries? What if it happens again when he's not President?

Legally it doesn't matter if he is president or not. There is the DOJ policy that an incumbent president cannot be indicted for criminal charges, but that policy can always be changed.

I don't think he has any liability for 1/6 because of several factors. Since there is evidence there was planning in advance by some of the rioters you can't say Trump's words on 1/6 led to the riots. It would be hard to prove Trump's words led to the rioting as the crowd was already marching toward the Capitol and would probably have attacked without his speech.

We could argue that without Trump's actions after the election the rioting would not have occurred, but that does not constitute inciting a riot. His words and claims may have inspired others to act violently, but that does not make Trump responsible of the actions others chose to take.
Who is to say what is falsely believed to be fire? And again look at the source of the justice that said this. Forced sterilization of the mentally retarded was ok with him. Seems like this is a man who was caught up in his own narcissism.
Eldridge Cleaver called for black men to rape white women as a form of social justice in his book Soul On Ice. I don’t recall any criminal action against him. Is this free speech? Should it have been?
One should also remember that Holmes argued his fire nonsense in his defense of prosecuting protestors who opposed the military draft in world war 1 in the Schenck decision. So he was effectively arguing there should be no freedom of speech as this war was so important that it was equivalent to yelling fire in a crowded theatre. Utter and complete nonsense.

I'll ask him the next time someone tells me to go to Hell. LOL

The first camps were established in March 1933 immediately after Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. Following the Night of Long Knives in 1934, the concentration camps were run exclusively by the SS via the Concentration Camps Inspectorate and later the SS Main Economic and Administrative Office. Initially, most prisoners were members of the Communist Party of Germany, but as time went on different groups were arrested, including "habitual criminals", "asocials", and Jews. After the beginning of World War II, people from German-occupied Europe were imprisoned in the concentration camps. Following Allied military victories, the camps were gradually liberated in 1944 and 1945, although hundreds of thousands of prisoners died in the death marches....

...Wachsmann writes that the "Nazi concentration camp system was forged between 1934 and 1937".[17] In early 1934, the number of prisoners was still falling and the future of concentration camps was not obvious. By mid-1935, there were only five camps, holding 4,000 prisoners, and 13 employees at the central IKL office. At the same time, 100,000 people were imprisoned in German jails, a quarter of those for political offenses.[23] Himmler considered the release of the 1933 prisoners "one of the most serious political mistakes the National Socialist state could have committed". Believing Nazi Germany to be imperiled by internal enemies, he called for a war against the "organized elements of sub-humanity", including Communists, Socialists, Jews, Freemasons, and criminals. Himmler won Hitler's backing and was appointed chief of police on 17 June 1936. Although the Nazi dictator never set foot on a concentration camp, he played a key role in events in 1935, pardoning several guards convicted of the murder of prisoners and backing Himmler's opposition to prisoner releases.
Eldridge Cleaver called for black men to rape white women as a form of social justice in his book Soul On Ice. I don’t recall any criminal action against him. Is this free speech? Should it have been?
Quote? The book is a series of essays, semi-autobiographical. Cleaver himself was a criminal and rapist before turning to social justice. It appears the comment you mentioned was while he was in prison, the first part of the book and wasn't a continuing call to rape anyone.**

Like Trump calling Mexicans rapists or suggesting violence against Democrats?

Is calling the Insurrectionists fucking traitors who should be hung free speech?

During his incarceration, Cleaver began to develop his own political philosophy. After his release in 1957, he raped an unknown number of women, both black and white. He felt that his rapes of white women were "insurrectionary" rapes, justified by what African Americans had suffered under a system dominated by whites.
Legally it doesn't matter if he is president or not. There is the DOJ policy that an incumbent president cannot be indicted for criminal charges, but that policy can always be changed.

I don't think he has any liability for 1/6 because of several factors. Since there is evidence there was planning in advance by some of the rioters you can't say Trump's words on 1/6 led to the riots. It would be hard to prove Trump's words led to the rioting as the crowd was already marching toward the Capitol and would probably have attacked without his speech.

We could argue that without Trump's actions after the election the rioting would not have occurred, but that does not constitute inciting a riot. His words and claims may have inspired others to act violently, but that does not make Trump responsible of the actions others chose to take.

Agreed which is why, in my non-lawyer opinion, it's essential that a link be drawn between the WH and the Insurrection planners. OTOH, Trump being a fucking scumbag who never gets his hands dirty, unless the WH link rolls on Trump, he may never face justice.

FWIW, I think the link could be Junior, but it could also be Stone, Miller or even Rudy.
He never recanted his encouragement of these acts. You know this and still support his racist misogyny. I have four daughters and you disgust me. Your PC transcends your respect for women. I normally wish my detractors the best but I hope you burn in hell you misogynistic SOB!!
Hitler had the political power to create misery for his critics including execution, torture and the will to inflict war on others. How did Trump do any of these things? When and where?
And why are Mao and Stalin exempt from these criticisms??
He never recanted his encouragement of these acts. You know this and still support his racist misogyny. I have four daughters and you disgust me. Your PC transcends your respect for women. I normally wish my detractors the best but I hope you burn in hell you misogynistic SOB!!

Psychotic break so early in the morning? Does this happen often?

Why do you think I'm a "misogynistic SOB", asshole?