Guno cheers as America goes downhill.
America 's only chance to survive is to go socialist and strip the power from the 1%.
I think we still have a long way to go before the patriarchy is burned down.
And when Hillary was against gay marriage before she was for it.
in that case, she learned things. She is a Christian. They have those atavistic beliefs.
Not totally wrong.
Do you agree then that globalist inspired trade deals have destroyed the middle class?
We can take back our nation for We, The People.
We have the power.
No, it wouldn't be easy.
It never was, and was never expected to be.
Propaganda and apathy are the enemy, not the press.
And not 'the other side.'
Both sides need to work together against our common enemy, the super-rich power junkies.
The super rich aren't all the enemy.
It matters whether or not they got rich on the backs of exploited workers and cheated consumers.
Every rich person isn't a Koch Brother. Warren Buffet isn't, for example. Tom Steyer, if he's on the level, isn't either.
Our major problem is lack of solidarity in the working class.
Everybody working for a paycheck,
regardless of race,
regardless of ethnicity,
regardless of gender,
regardless of sexual orientation,
and believe me, regardless of the size of the paycheck,
must stand in solidarity to maintain the proper leverage against those whose signatures appears on the FRONT of the paychecks.
Our problem is partially the assholes whose name is on the front of the checks,
and the lack of solidarity on the part of the people signing the backs of the checks.
Working class RWNJs are the biggest cancer on humanity.
Worse than cancer itself.
Trump is the latest of the Repubs who are dividers. They want Americans to vote against their own best interests. It has worked perfectly. We all have much more in common with each other than we do with trump and the plutocrats. but many hate and demonioze those who are like them, living paycheck to paycheck. Divide and conquer has been their guide and it works.
Thank you Dr Freud,but you're full of shit
Most of our citizens don't know what the middle class is.
Middle class people live off their business profits and investment income.
If you live off paychecks,
and I don't care if they're multi-million dollar paychecks coming from the New York Yankees or Hollywood studios,
if you live off paychecks, you're WORKING CLASS, not middle class.
It has nothing to do with income.
The middle class has never been very big, and it's not being destroyed.
The working class is being abused.
And when working class people vote thinking that they're middle class,
they fall for sucker policies,
and they neuter themselves.
Trump is the latest of the Repubs who are dividers. They want Americans to vote against their own best interests. It has worked perfectly. We all have much more in common with each other than we do with trump and the plutocrats. but many hate and demonioze those who are like them, living paycheck to paycheck. Divide and conquer has been their guide and it works.
You're boring.
I am willing to do that and I do.
Phony Voter ID laws were implemented with obvious nefarious motives,
and as a liberal white person, I'm affected by losing black voters with whom I share political interests..
But I'm sorry.
Lots of African American 2008-2012 Obama supporters simply sat this one out with nobody stopping them from voting.
These are perfectly capable black people who had valid driver's licenses and even passports in many cases. Valid ID.
And in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, those absent black voters may well have made the difference.
It may have cost us our Republic, a Republic that wasn't always fair to black people but one that was getting better, and one in which
non-Hispanic whites were on the verge of becoming a minority.
It was a real bad time to fuck up is all I'm saying.
Their best interest is to opt out of stupid race to the bottom trade and immigration policies.
The Dems can continue with the voter shaming if they like, I don't think that will help them win, but it does serve their donors.