What we are witnessing in America

Is the death rattle and last gasp of the old racist and Misogynistic "kulture" of the past.

The behaviors of the white christianist party are sealing their own fate as the country becomes more diverse

Gone will be the days of their self entitled narratives , the old ignorant uneducated white trash will be placed into the dustbin of history and taken to the curb

Exciting time to live in to witness their downfall and burial , figuratively and literally

So you think the death of the social majority is a good thing for a nation?
Lol. Nope.

The new world order is failing.

Humanity is disgorging the bilderberg parasites.

Globalization is super gay.

Once in a speech, old man Bush talked about "the new world order". He was quickly shushed by his handlers, Some of us noted and talked about it, but mainline press barely mentioned it. His brat actually tried to do that as a member of PNAC. Trump is doing the same work and Bolton was an original signer of PNAC. They want to remap the world. The super rich are in the club and will be plutocrats. The rest of us will be serfs. If you think the wealthy care about you, you are a sucker.
It doesn't matter.
America's time has come and gone.
We will be more diverse, true, but we'll also be a third world country.
There's no guarantee of recovery from where we are now.
The electorate really fucked the pooch this time.

All who've waited their turn for an honest shot at the American Dream will find the pay window slammed shut before they get to the front of the line.
As for my African American brothers and sisters, if you voted for Obama and then stayed home in 2016, don't forget to accept your share of the blame.

Fuck off......don't blame this racist piece of shit on us.

You mofo let him in the door. YOU are the majority in this country THIS IS ON YOU!

Do you people ever take responsibility for ANYTHING?..dafuck....
I am willing to do that and I do.
Phony Voter ID laws were implemented with obvious nefarious motives,
and as a liberal white person, I'm affected by losing black voters with whom I share political interests..

But I'm sorry.
Lots of African American 2008-2012 Obama supporters simply sat this one out with nobody stopping them from voting.
These are perfectly capable black people who had valid driver's licenses and even passports in many cases. Valid ID.
And in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, those absent black voters may well have made the difference.

It may have cost us our Republic, a Republic that wasn't always fair to black people but one that was getting better, and one in which
non-Hispanic whites were on the verge of becoming a minority.

It was a real bad time to fuck up is all I'm saying.

Racist right wing lies.........they blame every thing on Blacks.....

How the fuck does anyone know this?
America is changing, but not for the better. the wealthy have taken more and more power. Even the parties are losing out to the wealthy, The wealth gap is worse than the Gilded Age and getting worse every day.
A crazy propaganda network owned by super wealthy is seen as a legitimate news station. That is amazing. Real news has been decimated in public by the right and Trump so badly and so often, that is is being delegitimized in the minds of millions of people who are susceptible to propaganda. Nearly all media is owned by corporations. the rest are owned by billionaires.
Workers have been beaten. They have been convinced that the organizations that fought for them are enemies and unions are sinking into history. Corporate news has convinced people raising the minimum wage will hurt them? That is merely the opposite of the truth.
Evangelicals have managed to teach carefully selected parts of the bible that increase power to the top, and ignore the teachings that tell us we are our brothers keeper. The pains of the less of us are taught as their fault and punishable. Religion is the tool for the rich now.
This is not an accident. The wealthy have the time, money and intelligence to change the country as they see fit. The people will be serfs in the end.

And they convinced weak minded white americans that Blacks are the cause of dump in office.......as if.
You minorities are the ones getting ass-fucked the most by these fascists.
If you enjoy it, stay home again.
Otherwise, get your lazy ass out to the polls to vote out the Trumpanzees.
Even if it means voting for white Democrats.

Otherwise, I'll say, Fuck You,
just as I say to them.

I hope no one is fooled by this poster.

It sounds like jeff sessions to me........shrugging shoulders to me.
So you think the death of the social majority is a good thing for a nation?

They are not the majority any more, even more so today then when reported. A diverse Brown black and white will make America truly grate

White Christians are now a minority of the U.S. population, survey says


America's shrinking percentage of white Christians isn't a sudden occurrence

Once in a speech, old man Bush talked about "the new world order". He was quickly shushed by his handlers, Some of us noted and talked about it, but mainline press barely mentioned it. His brat actually tried to do that as a member of PNAC. Trump is doing the same work and Bolton was an original signer of PNAC. They want to remap the world. The super rich are in the club and will be plutocrats. The rest of us will be serfs. If you think the wealthy care about you, you are a sucker.
It is possible for a member of the elite to actually love humanity. Trump is right about bad trade deals.

One populist talking point and he sweeps the election. The rest of the elites have vastly overestimated the effectivenesss their brainwash program. Trillions have been spent selling the globalist lies, but the people still know bullshit when they hear it.
It is possible for a member of the elite to actually love humanity. Trump is right about bad trade deals.

One populist talking point and he sweeps the election. The rest of the elites have vastly overestimated the effectivenesss their brainwash program. Trillions have been spent selling the globalist lies, but the people still know bullshit when they hear it.

Avoided the point, didn't you? As far as trade deals, we have become the wealthiest nation in the world because of them. trump is way out of his depth. Globalism makes us stronger. Isolationism and nationalism will cripple us. Trump snuggles up with dictators and eschews our long term allies. Trump is a horrible mess.