What well known people besides Oprah & Taylor Swift support Kamala?

Tell me, Libby,
does it physically hurt to be a monumental fuckwit?
Tell me Nifty Nitwit, are you envious that you as being a 60's hippy love child and managed to escape
your mother's leftist support of abortion, and that you aren't as well known as any of Kamala's
big time supporters as seen in the OP?
Tell me Nifty Nitwit, are you envious that you as being a 60's hippy love child and managed to escape
your mother's leftist support of abortion, and that you aren't as well known as any of Kamala's
big time supporters as seen in the OP?
I hate to tell you, Libby, but probably before you were born,
I was much better known in our area than you'll ever be.

I only mention it because you brought it up.
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I see there's a mix of communists, Marxists, Rino's and demented fools in that Kamala support group.

That's bad. Really bad.

Thank god Trump only hangs with good people.

I doubt you can define what a good person is!

But, go ahead, take a jab at it FOOL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Well, for starters, we all know, or we all should know that those from the OP who support kamala are in no way to be recognized as 'GOOD' people, and that would include everyone that supports kamala as being anything but 'GOOD'. So,
have you realized yet that supporting a communist point of view like Kamala and those in the OP are not good people?
Surely you wouldn't support a communist, for that would make you a bad person, at least bad in the eyes of any common
sense American who knows the danger that communism presents itself to the world and to the U.S. of A.

So anyone not supporting kamala and or the communist ideology has got to be GOOD", which would include me and Trump.
Well, for starters, we all know, or we all should know that those from the OP who support kamala are in no way to be recognized as 'GOOD' people, and that would include everyone that supports kamala as being anything but 'GOOD'. So,
have you realized yet that supporting a communist point of view like Kamala and those in the OP are not good people?
Surely you wouldn't support a communist, for that would make you a bad person, at least bad in the eyes of any common
sense American who knows the danger that communism presents itself to the world and to the U.S. of A.

So anyone not supporting kamala and or the communist ideology has got to be GOOD", which would include me and Trump.
Don't be silly!

Look Hater, your comments would be best, if you would stop with all the Corny Commie bullshit!

It's not helping your cause! So just stop it!
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Don't be silly!
I'll admit that I often do feel a bit silly replying to radical leftist views, knowing full well they'll never change their
anti American views. But hey, it might be silly trying to educate you lefty radicals, but it is a rather soothing pastime
for me knowing that I'm always trying to help those such as yourself in dire need.
I'll admit that I often do feel a bit silly replying to radical leftist views, knowing full well they'll never change their
anti American views. But hey, it might be silly trying to educate you lefty radicals, but it is a rather soothing pastime
for me knowing that I'm always trying to help those such as yourself in dire need.
Anti-American me ass!

Do you over-salt your food? Because you over-season all of your posts with nonsense!
