What would your spirit animal be? Don't make things political.


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As for me - Cinnamon Bear.
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I wanted to say platypus, but given how much cats are drawn to me, I have to actually just go with the domestic cat
As for me - Cinnamon Bear.

I would be me. Every human has the potential to understand life inside out, and most just follow the philosophy of thinking outside timed apart now because life is more fun ignoring natural limitations convincing others to pay and play along historically.

Controlling outcomes of all incoming replacements. Very dangerous game wordplay. leads to compounding complications that after say 101 reproductive cycles 2,020 AD revolutions around the star and people still haven't learned when to stop acting in character role playing cradle to grave.

Fool me once shame on those making me doubt what I am, fool me twice shame on my ancestry for not correcting the error. Not I have to try and nobody else is anymore willing than 2,020 years ago were.

see I kept it in spirit real doesn't count and working against real displacements doesn't manifest a better tomorrow either.
The Polar Bear. Strong, fast survives and thrives in some of the most in hospitable areas of on earth.
Somehow 'Bat' came to mind. (No. I don't think it had anything to do with the coronavirus, but ...)

I picture yours as the timid and nocturnal field mouse. He gets inside, poops and pees everywhere, eats your favorite snacks, and is finally dispatched by either the family house cat or the owl waiting outside. :laugh:
I picture yours as the timid and nocturnal field mouse. He gets inside, poops and pees everywhere, eats your favorite snacks, and is finally dispatched by either the family house cat or the owl waiting outside. :laugh:

I think my vision comes from your own self-description as 'dancing naked around a black Cauldron at Midnight with a Full Moon on a Hilltop'. The potions and elixirs you mentioned, along with the other doings and going ons, made me think 'Bat' for some reason. (Of course, this was BEFORE you mentioned anything about 'Flappies', ... which totally destroyed the initial image) :(
I think my vision comes from your own self-description as 'dancing naked around a black Cauldron at Midnight with a Full Moon on a Hilltop'. The potions and elixirs you mentioned, along with the other doings and going ons, made me think 'Bat' for some reason. (Of course, this was BEFORE you mentioned anything about 'Flappies', ... which totally destroyed the initial image) :(

Sleep well, my darling punching rodent. :laugh:

I'm an eagle. Soaring high above all others, contemplating my next meal. :D

Ya Bald Eagle might be my answer. I spent so much time as a youth member of Eagle Valley Environmentalists watching Eagles soaring over the Mississippi and walking though a roosting valley...I was instantly taken with them.

Majestic, scrappy, vicious when they need to be, aerial wizards....sounds a lot like me.
Ya Bald Eagle might be my answer. I spent so much time as a youth member of Eagle Valley Environmentalists watching Eagles soaring over the Mississippi and walking though a roosting valley...I was instantly taken with them.

Majestic, scrappy, vicious when they need to be, aerial wizards....sounds a lot like me.

Sorry, I already claimed it.
Sorry, I already claimed it.

You're a guy in a Hoodie, hiding in the underbrush, with a Drone, looking for another house to burglarize.
(I hope you videotape the next break-in too)

'Eagle' might be your on-line Hot Merchandise code name. :(