What would your spirit animal be? Don't make things political.

Whichever animal has the worst flatulence, THAT would be MY spirit animal. I've had trouble with passing excessive gas since I became an adult many moons ago. I guess one reason I have episodes of excessive farting these days is because I eat a lot of salads and veggies now because I'm diabetic. The extra roughage seems to be causing extra farting. So I would feel akin to and empathy towards those animals that grapple with flatulence on a regular basis. I've read and heard that some dogs fart a lot, so my animal spirit would most likely be a dog that passes a lot of wind. We have two cats in our household and they hardly ever fart. I DID own a cat that did occasionally drop some horrific smelling stink bombs, but this was usually only after he had eaten some wet food. So, in summation, I would pick the household dog as my spirit animal. And the cow would be my runner up. I've heard that cows are also known to pass a lot of wind. Thanks very much for your time.
Frank! Are you serious? A cat?
I could understand a Tiger, Lion, even a Cheetah, but a stupid "domestic" cat?
Those things are evil! They torture and kill for pleasure and are more destructive than a groundhog in a soybean field.

Animals are not evil, RB...and there is no more beautiful animal in the world than the cat.

Yeah, I guess a Tiger or Lion would be great, but few animals enjoy the life that does a domestic cat. (Feral ones, not so much.)

They are fierce, agile and independent animals...still strongly influenced by the traits that allowed them to live in the wild.

I love 'em.
I had that same problem. Doctors were not able to help. I experimented...and found a method of cutting the problem more than in half...a method that had nothing to do with what I ate.

The digestion process apparently was the culprit in my case. I had cancer of some glands in my throat way back...and my salivary glands were destroyed by the radiation. The beginning of the digestion process occurs in the mouth...during chewing. The loss of the salivary glands cut that way down. Plus, I have GERD...so I had to take pills to cut down on the stomach acids...which cut down on the digestion in the stomach. The final digestion, particularly of carbohydrates takes place in the small intestine. In my case, too much totally undigested food was passing into the large intestine...which is a prime reason for excessive flatulence.

I started chewing food MUCH more thoroughly...and delayed taking the Dexilant for an hour after eating...to allow more acid for digestion.

Cut the farting by over 50% almost immediately.

(Sorry, Everyone, but old people gotta share this kinda stuff.)