What you would NOT give up for a girl (or guy)


on indefiniate mod break
This thread is mostly for guys because I don't think girls are as stubborn. I wish to make a list of things you would not give up for pretty much any woman you would have a reasonable chance with.

Your wife/girlfriend/fiance approaches you, and goes, hey...

"if you want to be with me forever, you have to give up _______ . It's either _______ or me. Choose."

So far I only have two.

1) Meat ( I would not become a vegetarian )
2) Poker
I am not much for ultimatums.

If she were to say "if you want to be with me forever, you have to give up _______ . It's either _______ or me. Choose.", I am afraid my stubborn ass would always choose whatever is in the blank.

"It's either a root canal or me." Get the novacaine ready.
"It's either a kick in the nuts or me." Give me a second to brace myself.

I am who I am, for better or worse. There are parts of me that make me great to have around in good times and bad. There are parts of me that might make someone want to slap me. But I am a whole package, not a buffet to pick & choose.
Do you think only women get that Desh, or is it gender-neutral and comes with age?

I think men catch on, but it takes us longer. A lot of us keep thinking we can fix the "problem" if we can just _______. (whatever fits in the blank)

I think it takes age and some conflict to teach us the lessons. Sometimes a really bad relationship will give us things that we can use for the rest of our lives.
Do you think only women get that Desh, or is it gender-neutral and comes with age?

I think its a pretty even haul.

Cohabitation requires give and take.

Women are better at give and men are taught to take.

Men dont see it this way because they are ......well ......taught to take.

Men who find themselves in a realtionship where their woman is no longer giving and doing most of the taking usually got there through their little head.

They find what they think is perfect woman and she plays them over time until shes doing all the taking.

Women are taught to do the giving, or at least my generation was. I came to terms with the fact that I like to give many years ago. I finally said "fuck what any part of society wants me to be like Im going to be myself". I was told to be submissive by the society at large and told to be a taker from the emerging feminists movement ( they were kinda comical at the time as they formed what feminism was going to be, they made silly fits and starts). I desided I would be who I was and take what the people who told me to be this or that as a grain of salt.

I like to give to the people arround me. I like to do little things for the people I love. It brings me joy, they kinda like it too. I was not going to let anyone tell me I should not do what gave my life meaning. Im from a family of eight and am the one everyone comes to when they need a little love and care. I could see that as unfeminist or I can say this is a great power that women bring to their society and use my talents to their best level. I choice to see it as a power.

Someday men will grow out of this "take" mode and get back to the modes that best served them in their design. They were designed to hunt and protect. In a modern world it confuses them as to how to use these skills. Women have it kinda easy in a way. Our talents designed by millions of years of gathering , interaction and nesting translate much easier in the modern world. Go get a job with your human interaction skills and fix whats arround you with your nesting skills and gather that pay check.

Men have to figure out how to hunt and protect in a world that increasingly asks more feminine skills of them. They have to reach deep and realize they were also gatherers, interactors and yes even nesters. They need to see this as a strength and quit poking each other in the eye for having skills. Just like women can hunt and protect men can have a full range of skills.

The sooner we all accept this of both sexes and see it as a bounus and not a negative then so many people will be so much more happy in applying the skills in their lives that truely make them happy and also make them the perfect match for another human being who would find their skills a great compliment to their own.

Young men like grind get so confused that they bluster and puff up their chests about all the silly stuff and continuiously find themselves in the wilderness about what is truely going to make them happy. They spin their wheels in the trough of thinking that keeps them adolesants until they are thirty. Then they look arrround and realise their choices for a good partner are harder to come by.

Grind needs to chill and concern himself with how to be a better human being before he even thinks about trying to talk some girl into joining his journey.
A lot of truth in the old saying ..

A man marries a woman hoping she will never change.
A woman marries a man intending to change him.
Well, when I say give up yourself, I guess I mean something a little bit different...though I guess it depends on who you are. I mean I don't know too many men who would be trying to hold you back from being too giving to them. lol. But I had a different experience.

When I say giving up yourself, I guess I mean, your self. My self is different, and I never was really that self, because someone always wanted me to be some other self. I could give a million examples, but the first time I ever heard the song by Alanis Morrisette "Everything" that was part of what I mean. Being able to be all parts of you, you see all my light, and you love my dark. But it's also about growing up to the point where you no longer subvert your own beliefs to someone else's. My first real love, the man I nearly married, wanted me to stay home and take care of things there, whatever that meant? I didn't know, because that is not who my self is. And a thousand other things.

So, it's first about being strong in who you are, and then it's about finding someone who knows who you are, gets who you are, loves who you are, and that includes knowing all of your most shameful little faults that you thought no one would ever love.
No. Men have tried to change me.

Ohh yeah many do. But it is more of a tradition for the female to try and srtraighten the male out and shape him.

Religion is a perfect example of that. Without women and them making their men go to church the church would collapse.

Disclaimer: As with all things human, these are just generalizations.
Well, when I say give up yourself, I guess I mean something a little bit different...though I guess it depends on who you are. I mean I don't know too many men who would be trying to hold you back from being too giving to them. lol. But I had a different experience.

When I say giving up yourself, I guess I mean, your self. My self is different, and I never was really that self, because someone always wanted me to be some other self. I could give a million examples, but the first time I ever heard the song by Alanis Morrisette "Everything" that was part of what I mean. Being able to be all parts of you, you see all my light, and you love my dark. But it's also about growing up to the point where you no longer subvert your own beliefs to someone else's. My first real love, the man I nearly married, wanted me to stay home and take care of things there, whatever that meant? I didn't know, because that is not who my self is. And a thousand other things.

So, it's first about being strong in who you are, and then it's about finding someone who knows who you are, gets who you are, loves who you are, and that includes knowing all of your most shameful little faults that you thought no one would ever love.

My daughter has this quote on her FaceBook: "There is no such thing as the perfect soul mate. If you meet someone and you think they're perfect, you better run as fast as you can in the other direction because your soul mate is the person that pushes your buttons, pisses you off on a regular basis and makes you face your shit"

I wish I had known that when I was 22, it might have saved me a lot of grief.

Darla, I understand what you said completely.

I am not just the good parts of me. I am not just my career, my abilities as a Dad, or my success & failure as a husband. I spent years trying to please everyone. I tried to be all this to all people. Then I ended up divorced at 35 with no idea who in the hell I was. Between now and then there have been triumphs and utter failures. I have found true love and absolute despair. And I have learned to be comfortable in my own skin. I have learned to be happy with who I am. Sure, there are things I am working on, but they are details. I spent years finding out who the "real" Chris is, and it turns out he is a pretty great guy.

But there is another side to the idea of an ultimatum. And that is that the girl giving it to me is basically offering to ALLOW me to be with her provided I meet certain conditions.

I will never again be in that sort of relationship. Anyone who doesn't totally WANT to be with me, should go find someone else. I told my wife to to ask herself if she could live a happy life without me. If her answer was yes, then she should go live it. And I did the same. She doesn't NEED me. She wants me to be a part of her life. And I want her as a part of mine. There are times we drive each other crazy. There are times that its a huge pain in the ass. But its ALWAYS worth it.
I think the best way to find the right person is to find someone who helps you become the best person you can be.

We all change over time and if you find someone who is striving to be a better version of themselves and you can see that their aim is the same direction you see as a good path to being a better person then you have a much better chance at happiness.

If we all strove to be better people this world would be a much better place.

Grind and many young men and women get stuck in the mode of who will allow me to be the same all my life or give me what I want this momment are screwing their future selves out happiness.
Pretty much anything. I don't really have anything I like much.

Breathing? Well, hey, at least in the last few minutes I could possibly get laid, which would be an improvement on the state of things.