What you would NOT give up for a girl (or guy)

Well those are 'liberal guys' which is essentially just another woman. So of course they try to change you.

:cof1: :cof1: :cof1: :cof1:

LMAO! Now SF, that wasn't a nice thing to say. It was pretty damned funny, but not very nice.
Myself. Which as you get older you'll discover is the only thing anyone ever really asks you to give up.

Perfect. In one word you've captured the essence of it all.

BTW have you read "The Edible Woman"? (One of Margaret Atwood's first. It's a bit dated now but still so very apt.) I was introduced to that in my freshman 20th C Lit class and it made a lasting impression.
Perfect. In one word you've captured the essence of it all.

BTW have you read "The Edible Woman"? (One of Margaret Atwood's first. It's a bit dated now but still so very apt.) I was introduced to that in my freshman 20th C Lit class and it made a lasting impression.

No, but I'll pick it up when I come across it.

Yeah, the rest of it all got way too complicated, even what I tried to follow up with in an attempt to explain it. You either get it or you don't , and if you get it, then you know, and nothing else need be said.
No, but I'll pick it up when I come across it.

Yeah, the rest of it all got way too complicated, even what I tried to follow up with in an attempt to explain it. You either get it or you don't , and if you get it, then you know, and nothing else need be said.

That's right. Your following explanations were right on, too, but I understood those just from that one word. I've been in the same situation, more than once. My response was always, more or less, well if I don't fit your "requirements" then you'd better go looking for someone who does. I'm sure you've found this too -- it's the brain wot scares 'em.
That's right. Your following explanations were right on, too, but I understood those just from that one word. I've been in the same situation, more than once. My response was always, more or less, well if I don't fit your "requirements" then you'd better go looking for someone who does. I'm sure you've found this too -- it's the brain wot scares 'em.

LOL! Yep, totally. :)
There are a lot of men who are scared to death of a smart woman. A woman with an independent streak or sense of power can send a bunchof them running too.

Everytime it happens to my daughter I feel for her, but I am also proud as hell.
Young men like grind get so confused that they bluster and puff up their chests about all the silly stuff and continuiously find themselves in the wilderness about what is truely going to make them happy. They spin their wheels in the trough of thinking that keeps them adolesants until they are thirty. Then they look arrround and realise their choices for a good partner are harder to come by.

Grind needs to chill and concern himself with how to be a better human being before he even thinks about trying to talk some girl into joining his journey.

You are being ridiculously condescending and rude. For starters, this thread was never meant to dive deep into convoluted relationships, social interaction, and life long happiness. It was a tongue in cheek fun thread.

Secondly, you are making some very grand assumptions without really knowing much about me. You say I find myself in a wilderness and imply I will be nomadic and unhappy, that my goals aren't on target and I don't know what I want. This is bullshit. Everyone is different, everyone has different things that make them happy. You can't cover everyone with a blanket just because it's conforms to your worldview. You can't tell me what would actually make me happy or what is best for me. I am much more inclined to be informed on the matter of my own personal happiness than you, desh.

As mature of a thinker you THINK you are, this particular line of thought on your behalf doesn't show that you've grown much at all in all the years you've been on earth.
But Grind has it all figured out LOL.

for the record I still have you on ignore but I knew you were going to say something retarded in this thread that I should address.

I don't claim to have anything figured out, other than that I am the world's FOREMOST EXPERT on MYSELF.

In addition, one must realize that not everyone is the same, and that generalizing in the manner of what desh did is incredibly narrow minded and intellectually immature.
for the record I still have you on ignore but I knew you were going to say something retarded in this thread that I should address.

I don't claim to have anything figured out, other than that I am the world's FOREMOST EXPERT on MYSELF.

In addition, one must realize that not everyone is the same, and that generalizing in the manner of what desh did is incredibly narrow minded and intellectually immature.

It's true that everyone is so different. For instance, I have never seen a relationship I wished that I was in.
That's right. WOmen are objects. They do not have independent pleasures and emotions and merely exist for the pleasurement of men. I'm glad you understand.
I have a bit of a naive gene when it comes to women. When there is an issue, my first reflex is always to take the girl's side. I have a hard time realizing that women can do wrong, and then when I run into men, like some at work (one is an outright misogynist) who speak with such vitriol, I feel really strange. And the married, middle-aged men with their dumb marriage jokes piss me off.

My MO is hoes-before-bros, and guys tell me I have my priorities wrong. I figure, whichever is the one I will get romantic with is the one that gets the priority, and so far its the ladies.