the issue of the relevance of Mosaic law is still there as far as I am concerned. You seem to want to condemn homosexuals as sinners but also seem blithely willing to remain ignorant as to the canon of laws and sins and admonitions that you yourself might be breaking each and every day. I wonder why you have such an obsession with homosexuality and such a casual disinterest in your own potential sinfulness.
I also said that I am advocating that gays and lesbians be allowed to marry the people that they love. Many theologians WAY more learned than I am agree with that position. I am sorry that you don't.
appeal to authority, logical fallacy....further, if you want to go down that road, there are MORE theologians that believe homosexuality is a sin versus those who believe it is not a sin, so on that count, you lose.
so is adultery now no longer a sin? incest no longer a sin? bestiality no longre a sin? those are part of the mosiac laws, if you are going to claim homosexuality is no longer a sin, then you are claiming that all the rest are no longer sins. your use of the mosaic laws to try and trip me up actually harms your case and in reality destroys your case and shows your base hyppocrisy.
maineman, the very fact you claim that i am obsessed about homosexuality is telling about your desperate state. as i already told you, bring up the other subjects, as far as i am aware, homosexuality is the only topic people around the world are running around talking about and claiming it is no longer a sin. and think about your logic, if i am obsessed, then so are you as YOU keep claiming homosexuality is not a sin...and keep responding as much as i. your logic is failing, i suggest you get on your knees and ask why.
i'll let the word of god speak for itself:
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations
for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also
abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed
indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
as you can see, the bible is unequivocal that homosexuality is unnatural. you need to take a good look at your arguments as you earlier claimed incest is a sin becuase it is not biologically sound. that is 1) hypocritical with regards to homosexuality, and 2) you've now been given evidence that the ACTS of homosexual are unnatural, not just lust, but the
acts of men laying with other men is perversion.