I don't eat shellfish... I am allergic to it, Thank God... that shit is nasty.
Yes, I do believe that it is a sin to break God's laws even laws that don't make sense. God had a reason for giving those laws and I believe some of those laws were given just to show us our need for a savior and for no other reason than that.
God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree in the center of the garden. Why? Did God really care if their eyes would be open and if they would be "like God"? No, God gave them that command simply as a tool of obedience. "Thou shalt not... Why? Because I said so."
St Paul writes to the people of Corinth regarding sexual immorality:
1 Corinthians 6:12
and later in chapter 10 verse 23, he writes regarding the freedom of believers:
I can do as I please, but there are consequences for what I do.
Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial to me. I can participate in a homosexual relationship, but doing so will not be beneficial for me? Why? Because it separates me from God.
God gave us his commandments and told us not to do these things, not because they were evil but because he sought our obedience and our love.
All that being said, a sin is anything that keeps us from a relationship with God. That means that my sitting here and typing may be a sin, unless it actually brings me closer to God as in seeking answers to questions such as your own.
Homosexuality is a sin. Not because it is evil, but because God said not participate in it.
My choosing to do something that God said not to do or conversely to not do something he told me to do, is in fact a sin and it separates me from God's love.
Romans 7:7-9