What's more important?

Uncle Sam would pay for your wife's titties? How much did that set you back? Was there a buy one get one deal?

He threatened to start a letter writing campaign:

Surprising since the procedure would greatly reduce a recurrence. I used to date a girl who had to jump through a bunch of hoops to get a breast reduction done. Contact your Insurance Commissioner's office and file an appeal. Write letters to the editor, get it circulating facebook. Do everything you can to create a stink, naming them by name.

In progress. thanks.
Uncle Sam wouldnt pay for your wife's titties? How much did that set you back? Was there a buy one get one deal?

Uh, the government is not the one who was contracted to pay, and rest assured the insurance company ended up paying for the surgery, and more for my trouble making them do it.

Now back to my question, because I am confused..... what is it you are so panicked about regarding the pronouns?
So, you are running from the topic of pronouns now? Understandable. Maybe next time.

Mission Accomplished.

No you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand. The one who declares themselves the winner is never the winner. Fucking moron
No you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand. The one who declares themselves the winner is never the winner. Fucking moron

So what are you upset about regarding the pronouns?

Its the one who tries to change the subject and refuses to go back to it who lost, dip shit.