What's more important?

You can be fined for not calling people ‘ze’ or ‘hir,’ if that’s the pronoun they demand that you use


That is an opinion piece, not a news article, dip shit.
Threatened by who? What kind of threat?

Transgender journalist Zoey Tur and right-wing political commentator Ben Shapiro engaged in an on-air squabble over LGBT rights, with Tur eventually threatening Shapiro with violence for publicly opposing social acceptance of transgender people.

Threatened by who?

What kind of threat?

By a freak named Zoey Tur asshole. The fucking moron had their hand on the back of Shapiro's neck and said, "You cut that out now, or you'll go home in an ambulance". Stop being a fucking moron.
Transgender journalist Zoey Tur and right-wing political commentator Ben Shapiro engaged in an on-air squabble over LGBT rights, with Tur eventually threatening Shapiro with violence for publicly opposing social acceptance of transgender people.


Ok, well if thats what got your panties in such a wad, Shapiro should call the police, its illegal to threaten people with violence.

Ive been threatened with violence on here for expressing liberal views.... You never saw me crying about it.
Gender Identity/Gender Expression: Legal Enforcement Guidance

By a freak named Zoey Tur asshole. The fucking moron had their hand on the back of Shapiro's neck and said, "You cut that out now, or you'll go home in an ambulance". Stop being a fucking moron.

You were not threatened, liar.

Shapiro should call the police.
Gender Identity/Gender Expression: Legal Enforcement Guidance


Harassment, restroom use, and Employment discrimination are not the issues we are currently discussing, dip shit.
Ok, well if thats what got your panties in such a wad, Shapiro should call the police, its illegal to threaten people with violence.

Ive been threatened with violence on here for expressing liberal views.... You never saw me crying about it.

He did and nothig was done about it. So stop being a fuckng idiot and claiming this shit isn't happening. Talk about being a fucking crybaby that tur should have been beaten senseless.
Stop being a fucking moron.

If he could, he would have long ago. But he can't.

Here are a few of **Brad's greatest hits:

I have heard that the N1H1 flu is not really any worse than a regular flu.... Infact some reputable sources have told me its not as bad as a regular flu.
Why the hype? What is it about this flu that sets it apart from other flu's?
I was sleeping with a 14 year old girl when I was 18.
There are three relevant issues that will determine if the sex is okay or not.

1) How drunk is drunk?
2) How old is the girl in relation to you?
3) What is your relationship with her?
He did and nothig was done about it. So stop being a fuckng idiot and claiming this shit isn't happening. Talk about being a fucking crybaby that tur should have been beaten senseless.

He called the police? Come on, you are lying. Anyway, its not my fault even IF a police department refused to do their job. You found one threatened incident where some bully tried to get his way, and you have taken it to claim that "THE LIBERALS" are taking your rights away. You are nothing but a Stupid whinny bitch.
You dont see the liberals on this board starting threads about how Conservatives refuse to call trans people what they want to be called...

Is this thread about calling trans people what they want to be called, **Brad?
He called the police? Come on, you are lying. Anyway, its not my fault even IF a police department refused to do their job. You found one threatened incident where some bully tried to get his way, and you have taken it to claim that "THE LIBERALS" are taking your rights away. You are nothing but a Stupid whinny bitch.

Looking up asshole I'm not your fucking secretary.
Inside Edition's Zoe Tur Threatens To Send Breitbart's Ben Shapiro "Home In An Ambulance"
