What's more important?

That was the idea of communism. Each person was equal and shared ownership in everything. As I recall my high school class Communism versus Americanism it was called collective man.

Even as a kid it was pretty apparent that communism was doomed to fail. What incentive does anyone have to work hard, study hard, improve oneself, etc. if there's no reward? "Feeling good about yourself" is fine and dandy but not as attractive as owning your own home, having money for fun things like vacations, etc.

By "equality," in America, we are talking about equal opportunity and equal treatment under the law, not equal possessions as in communism. In that sense you are absolutely right that there cannot be true freedom without equality.
Even as a kid it was pretty apparent that communism was doomed to fail. What incentive does anyone have to work hard, study hard, improve oneself, etc. if there's no reward? "Feeling good about yourself" is fine and dandy but not as attractive as owning your own home, having money for fun things like vacations, etc.

By "equality," in America, we are talking about equal opportunity and equal treatment under the law, not equal possessions as in communism. In that sense you are absolutely right that there cannot be true freedom without equality.

But the left wants equal outcomes. Stop playing this pretend bullshit game. When the left complains there aren't enough women CEOs that is precisely a demand for equality of outcomes. To deny it means youre either lying or stupid.
The failure of communism as an economic system was tied mostly to its unacceptability as a system of government, which it also was.

In nations like China, the economic concept for which most citizens supported the revolution has collapsed in favor of oligarchical capitalism,
while the autocratic governmental aspects have been retained.

Socialism, as a segment of the economy in politically democratic nations,
has in contrast become a requisite for being a civilized nation.

I personally don't give a fuck about entrepreneurialism,
but it's not at all precluded in civilized nations like Sweden and the Netherlands.
Is it more important to work toward freedom or equality?

Freedom is guaranteed by law.

Equality means different things to different people.

Freedom is guaranteed by law.

Equality means different things to different people.


When the left speaks of equality what they mean is what Friedman says, equality of outcomes. They say there aren't "enough" female CEOs or black coaches in the NFL. The ONLY reason for those statements is the expectation that outcomes must be equal. It's bullshit
When the left speaks of equality what they mean is what Friedman says, equality of outcomes. They say there aren't "enough" female CEOs or black coaches in the NFL. The ONLY reason for those statements is the expectation that outcomes must be equal. It's bullshit

Is it more important to work toward freedom or equality?

There we go again with the “freedom” rant, like ever winger memorized one scene from BraveHeart. Can’t go to the buffet, have to stop at a stop sign, can’t light up indoors, might have to wear a mask, can’t do that, against my “freedom”

As I said before, only the wingers can take an abstract concept and reduce it to a bumper sticker.

Freedom is based upon reason, not desire
Lebron James and I will NEVER be treated fairly. If you think so then you have no sense whatsoever. Life isn't fair singer over it. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone to make your way as best you can. Equality is a FORCED principle which will always have the opposite effect of making people equal.

Reading comprehension problems? WTF do you think
True freedom can only happen when everyone is treated equally and by human nature that will never happen nor should it.
There we go again with the “freedom” rant, like ever winger memorized one scene from BraveHeart. Can’t go to the buffet, have to stop at a stop sign, can’t light up indoors, might have to wear a mask, can’t do that, against my “freedom”

As I said before, only the wingers can take an abstract concept and reduce it to a bumper sticker.

Freedom is based upon reason, not desire

What buffet? What the fuck are you babbling about?

It's not an abstract bits quite clear you're more worried about having enough woman CEOs then you are about freedom. What I love his how comfortable you fucking goosestepers are with controlling other peoples lives but you really fucking hate it when it's tried on you.

Freedom is a desire shit stain.
What buffet? What the fuck are you babbling about?

It's not an abstract bits quite clear you're more worried about having enough woman CEOs then you are about freedom. What I love his how comfortable you fucking goosestepers are with controlling other peoples lives but you really fucking hate it when it's tried on you.

Freedom is a desire shit stain.

I am talking about your total lack of understanding regarding the concept of freedom, what it is, how it relates, and where it is applicable in current conditions

And your inane comment “freedom is a desire” proves my point
I am talking about your total lack of understanding regarding the concept of freedom, what it is, how it relates, and where it is applicable in current conditions

And your inane comment “freedom is a desire” proves my point

The concept is clear people don't want to be slaves. That's a desire assshole. I am not free to do what LeBron James does in this "systemically" racist country. You will always be a cancerous tumor.
The concept is clear people don't want to be slaves. That's a desire assshole. I am not free to do what LeBron James does in this "systemically" racist country. You will always be a cancerous tumor.

Oh, so tell us, why isn’t everyone who has a beef against say their boss allowed to just blow away their boss, don’t they have the “freedom,” the “desire?”

Again, freedom is based on reason, not desire