What's more important?

Oh, so tell us, why isn’t everyone who has a beef against say their boss allowed to just blow away their boss, don’t they have the “freedom,” the “desire?”

Again, freedom is based on reason, not desire

What do you mean "allowed"???? Blow your boss away if you like. The problem with you doing it is that you take something that doesn't belong to you, his freedom to life. When I own a restaurant and the govt tells me I can't smoke in my restaurant they are taking what isn't there's to take,nmy freedom to run my restaurant. No one is forced to eat in my restaurant therefore no needs protection from the smoke in my restaurant. You will take people's freedoms in the name of safety, it's bullshit
Good so there is no need for us to suffer with you bitches whining and moaning there aren't enough woman CEOs or black coaches. So fuck equality

Sorry sweet pee, I'm a conservative. You asked a philosophical question and I answered it. If you are so worried about things like affirmative action then have the fucking balls to ask it, instead of trying to ambush someone.
Sorry sweet pee, I'm a conservative. You asked a philosophical question and I answered it. If you are so worried about things like affirmative action then have the fucking balls to ask it, instead of trying to ambush someone.

I do t give a fuck what you are. Assholes will cry there aren't enough woman CEOs,. Thats a demand for equality of outcomes not equality. Affirmative action is racist and has nothing to do with freedom or equality.
I do t give a fuck what you are. Assholes will cry there aren't enough woman CEOs,. Thats a demand for equality of outcomes not equality. Affirmative action is racist and has nothing to do with freedom or equality.

You're babbling and not making sense.
You're babbling and not making sense.

It's very simple when the left bitches whine there aren't enough woman CEOs that's equality of outcomes. When they say there is no freedom without "equality" that's what they are talking about. It's bullshit. Freedom is FAR more important than "equality".
The left says this is a woman.


Of course it is ��
Equality of opportunity, in many ways you are less free.

So you agree I have almost no equality at all with LeBron James but he gets to preach about how unfair things are. BTW I never tie my freedom to what others have or don't have because it's irrelevant.
Someone demanded you call her something?

If that person expects me to call them she then yes it's a demand. If that person came into my business just as they appear in the photo what do you suppose would happen if I said "yes sir" to the person?

Ben shaprio famously had his safety threatened when he refused to use the "she" pronoun with a man so let's not pretend it's outside the real of possibility.
So you agree I have almost no equality at all with LeBron James but he gets to preach about how unfair things are. BTW I never tie my freedom to what others have or don't have because it's irrelevant.

Its about having a system set up to provide an equal opportunity. Currently our system is set up so that wealthy parents have children with greater opportunity based on government constructs. It is also set up to give the children of white parents a greater opportunity based on government constructs. It also gives men and women different opportunities based on government constructs. So I think those government constructs should be changed. Marriage is a great example, the government construct of legal marriage did not give gay people the same opportunity as straight people, now it does because the Government construct changed.

Now if you are born physically unable to play basketball as well as me, clearly we are not going to have equal opportunity and that is just nature, government cant fix that.