What's the deal with Conservatives welching on bets?


Will work for Scooby snacks
First Dixie welches.

Now, prominent conservative writer Jonah Goldberg welches on his bet with Juan Cole, professor of Middle Eastern studies. Goldberg bet that by Febrary 2007, Iraq would be viewed as a massive success story:


Let me take you back to February 8, 2005. It was exactly two years ago, when aspiring pundit Jonah Goldberg declared, for all the world to see:

JONAH GOLDBER: "Anyway, I do think my judgment is superior to his (Juan Cole's) when it comes to the big picture (in Iraq). So, I have an idea: Since he doesn't want to debate anything except his own brilliance, let's make a bet. I predict that Iraq won't have a civil war, that it will have a viable constitution, and that a majority of Iraqis and Americans will, in two years time, agree that the war was worth it. I'll bet $1,000 (which I can hardly spare right now)."

Update: February 8, 2007: Jonah won’t pay his debt. (thinkprogress.org)

http://www.nationalreview.com/goldb...p caveat: for entertainment purposes only
I read about this. I highly doubt that someone of Juan Cole's caliber wants his 1000 bucks. I think he would feel that he'd rather have the lives back. The lives which idiots like Goldberg threw into graves. I think he'd like to have the opportunity to throw the money back into his stupid face though.

But I don't know what the deal is with cons and their inability to own up to their bets.
I read about this. I highly doubt that someone of Juan Cole's caliber wants his 1000 bucks. I think he would feel that he'd rather have the lives back. The lives which idiots like Goldberg threw into graves. I think he'd like to have the opportunity to throw the money back into his stupid face though.

But I don't know what the deal is with cons and their inability to own up to their bets.

Exactly. That's why I caveated the post.

Juan Cole said that he wasn't going to bet money, on the lives of people suffering in a civil war.
Exactly. That's why I caveated the post.

Juan Cole said that he wasn't going to bet money, on the lives of people suffering in a civil war.
Therefore this would be an erroneous report. Bets take agreement from both parties or no bet has been entered.

I would never bet on the outcome of a war, that is just in bad taste.
if juan cole didn't accept the bet, then there was no bet and therefore no welshing on it. you libs just drive me nutz some times with your lack of logical thinking.....
Looks to me like the dude did not take the bet. This is not welching as the bet was never accepted.

Unlike in Dixie's case where the bet was accepted, then "cancelled" (welched on) unilaterally!
honestly guys - and gals...I never expected him to honor his debt in the first place and I was quite confident that I certainly wasn't going to lose...however, I certainly would have written a check to Dixie if the democrats had, in fact, failed to gain at least one seat in the house and one in the senate.

Really....as I have said before, a fellow could starve if he made his living winning bets from Dixie.
IF Maine had kept his mouth shut and honored the terms that he agreed to, he would be $100 richer today. That is the bottom line, Maine didn't follow the rules and he voided his lottery ticket, I am dreadfully sorry for that. It's not 'welching' when you cancel the bet because someone can't follow the conditions they agreed to. You go to any gambling house in the country, they have an established and posted set of rules, regarding your behavior, practices and strategies, and if you don't follow them, you ain't collecting on ANY bets, and you can be escorted off the premises and not allowed to even watch other people bet.

You knee-jerk reactionary pinheads are getting a lot of mileage out of this, and Maine is probably enjoying the attention more than if he had actually won the bet, and I figured it would be like this when I cancelled it. Regardless, I had a valid and legitimate reason to cancel our bet, and that is all that really matters in the end, none of you are going to come whoop my ass and make me pay Maine the money, so you can all kiss my ass. Whatever you want to think of me is fine, it can't be any worse than what you already thought!
IF Maine had kept his mouth shut and honored the terms that he agreed to, he would be $100 richer today. That is the bottom line, Maine didn't follow the rules and he voided his lottery ticket, I am dreadfully sorry for that. It's not 'welching' when you cancel the bet because someone can't follow the conditions they agreed to. You go to any gambling house in the country, they have an established and posted set of rules, regarding your behavior, practices and strategies, and if you don't follow them, you ain't collecting on ANY bets, and you can be escorted off the premises and not allowed to even watch other people bet.

You knee-jerk reactionary pinheads are getting a lot of mileage out of this, and Maine is probably enjoying the attention more than if he had actually won the bet, and I figured it would be like this when I cancelled it. Regardless, I had a valid and legitimate reason to cancel our bet, and that is all that really matters in the end, none of you are going to come whoop my ass and make me pay Maine the money, so you can all kiss my ass. Whatever you want to think of me is fine, it can't be any worse than what you already thought!

Because Maine did not "honor" the rules you set up after the fact is not a valid reason to welch.
Because Maine did not "honor" the rules you set up after the fact is not a valid reason to welch.

That's your opinion, and it's irrelevant here. The rules were clear from the start, there was no confusion or misunderstanding, and they were clarified on numerous occasions, so Maine fully understood the consequences of his actions. I understand you retarded people get all worked up when you can gang up on me like this, but I have a really thick skin, it doesn't bother me nearly as much as you wish it did.
Umm, just be honest here, I am not sure we are being fair to conservatives by lumping dixie in with them....
actually the record is pretty clear and unambiguous. The bet did not have any conditions on it when it was made and you enforced a change unilaterally when you got tired of me bringing it up. Remember that the bet was made when you were flying high on the hog after Dubya's stunning victory in 2004 and your subsequent predictions of the imminent demise of the democratic party. You were creating threads predicting we would wither away into total irrelevancy within a decade. I challenged that prognostication, much like I challenged your prognostication back in December of '05 that we'd be out out Iraq before we lost 500 more Americans.... and now we've had the bloodiest four month stretch of the entire war, we're sending even more men into the meat grinder, we're further from peace than we were when you made the stupid prediction, and you are STILL waving your yellow tinted pompoms from behind the safety of your computer. Do you really think I ever expected a pathetic weasel like you to EVER make good on a gambling debt? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Do you really think I ever expected a pathetic weasel like you to EVER make good on a gambling debt?

Well, no... because you probably knew you'd cheat and throw sand in my eyes, or do something unethical to render the bet invalid. If you DID think you were going to win a bet after breaking the rules, you certainly knew you were jeopardizing it by continuing to run your mouth after several warnings, so at that point, I am fairly sure you knew you weren't winning any money from me. And just to make sure you didn't, you went on record talking about my daughter in ways that should be illegal for a man your age, I guess this was just 'insurance' to make sure you didn't win the bet!

Yes, it's no doubt that you had no doubt you wouldn't collect, you did virtually everything you could think of to undermine the bet and break the rules, and continued to do it after being warned. To think you were going to be able to completely violate the terms and do as you pleased, and I was just going to write you out a check for listening to your mouth run... yeah... I can see where you never figured on winning anything... that would have been pretty stupid after all the shit you pulled.
you imposed the "rules" unilaterally.

I made a bet.

you welched on it.

those are the facts.

everyone knows it.
on the day of patriots colts playof, my son 11 year old said he'd bet me 20 that the colts would win. i said ok (his first wager).

game starts; colts fall behind (21-3 i think). son says dad i want to cancel the bet. i say no................tell him he should not ask to cancel bet after game begins; both have to agree and i didn't.

son goes to bed, colts come back and win.

next morning at breakfast i say, remember you wanted to cancel the bet last night and i didn't agree; still want to cancel? he says yes!!!!

i say, ok, i agree; bet cancelled.................by the way, colts won last night

son speechless.............we then had a conversation about betting etiquette, cheating, honor, integrity man of your word, etc...i paid him the 20.
he says he doesn't think he should bet anymore (even tho he won the 20)!
on the day of patriots colts playof, my son 11 year old said he'd bet me 20 that the colts would win. i said ok (his first wager).

game starts; colts fall behind (21-3 i think). son says dad i want to cancel the bet. i say no................tell him he should not ask to cancel bet after game begins; both have to agree and i didn't.

son goes to bed, colts come back and win.

next morning at breakfast i say, remember you wanted to cancel the bet last night and i didn't agree; still want to cancel? he says yes!!!!

i say, ok, i agree; bet cancelled.................by the way, colts won last night

son speechless.............we then had a conversation about betting etiquette, cheating, honor, integrity man of your word, etc...i paid him the 20.
he says he doesn't think he should bet anymore (even tho he won the 20)!

ROTFLMAO, that was great Hip :clink: