What's the deal with Conservatives welching on bets?

Reminds me of when my children were little and I would play board games with them. The youngest one hated to lose, so he was always making up new rules as the game went along to put him at an advantage at all times...

Love it, adults are children in grown-up clothing!
IF Maine had kept his mouth shut and honored the terms that he agreed to, he would be $100 richer today. That is the bottom line, Maine didn't follow the rules and he voided his lottery ticket, I am dreadfully sorry for that. It's not 'welching' when you cancel the bet because someone can't follow the conditions they agreed to. You go to any gambling house in the country, they have an established and posted set of rules, regarding your behavior, practices and strategies, and if you don't follow them, you ain't collecting on ANY bets, and you can be escorted off the premises and not allowed to even watch other people bet.

You knee-jerk reactionary pinheads are getting a lot of mileage out of this, and Maine is probably enjoying the attention more than if he had actually won the bet, and I figured it would be like this when I cancelled it. Regardless, I had a valid and legitimate reason to cancel our bet, and that is all that really matters in the end, none of you are going to come whoop my ass and make me pay Maine the money, so you can all kiss my ass. Whatever you want to think of me is fine, it can't be any worse than what you already thought!

IF Maine had kept his mouth shut and honored the terms that he agreed to, he would be $100 richer today. That is the bottom line, Maine didn't follow the rules and he voided his lottery ticket

There were no "rules", except for the ones you invented after the fact. I posted the entire bet narrative from fp.com, over here to jpp.com. I can link you up if you want.

Only people with no honor welch on bets.
I can link you up if you want.

Don't bother, he's once again simply denying hard facts in order to save face. Its all been covered in the "Alabama Lands Saban.." thread in the sports & hobbies section.

Really, he cannot ever ever admit that he's flat out wrong. And for the amount of times that he is wrong, and flat denies it in the face of irrefutable facts, this should come as no surprise.
you imposed the "rules" unilaterally.

No, I stated very clearly that I was betting to get you to shut up about it. I made it clear on a number of occasions, amazingly, none of which made it to this kangaroo trial of pinheads. You want to try and claim this wasn't part of the deal, but it was the WHOLE deal, as far as I was concerned, it was my reasoning and purpose for betting. You have managed to get a lot of people in your corner by being dishonest about this, and claiming you never agreed to these terms, but we both know and understand that is a lie.

If I were more concerned with my reputation here, and what you pinheads think of me, I would have just let the bet stand and not cancelled it. This is about principle for me, I don't owe you money on a bet that was cancelled because you broke the rules. It's not 'welching' because the bet was cancelled and never took place, therefore, no debt is owed and there was no bet to welch on. Had I allowed the bet to stand until after the results... or as in HipLew's example, after the election returns had started coming in... then it would be a different matter, that would be welching on a bet. As it stands, that isn't what happened, the bet was called off due to your inability to follow the rules established from the very start, which you are too dishonest to admit you agreed to and acknowledged, as part of the bet.

I don't care if every pinhead, conservative, neocon, and Robdawg agree with you on this, it doesn't matter to me what they have to say about it, or who they think is right here. I bet with you for the sole reason of getting you to shut up about it, and you fully understood that was my motive, you had to understand this, since the constant non-stop haranguing was a deliberate attempt on your part, to get me to bet with you in the first place. So, after I accept your relentless challenges, you decide to continue doing the same thing, just from the perspective of already having made the bet. I warned you, twice actually, and you acknowledged me, and agreed to not mention the bet anymore... that lasted about a week or two, and you started right back up again with it. After two warnings and months of listening to your shit, I pulled the plug on the bet. I'm sorry, I know you wanted to win, but you can't 'win at any cost' when you're betting.
Just like conservatives, all talk about morals and ethics... but when it comes time to live up to an obligation.... all spin and mis-direction.
THe purpose of your bet has no bearing on if you made the bet. If you bet just to get Mainemain to shut up about it, and it did not work... You still made the bet!
nope...the bet was made.... I continued to gloat about it as your party's fortunes worsened and you said that if I didn't stop talking about it the bet was off....a condition you made unilaterally.
you imposed the "rules" unilaterally.

No, I stated very clearly that I was betting to get you to shut up about it. I made it clear on a number of occasions, amazingly, none of which made it to this kangaroo trial of pinheads. You want to try and claim this wasn't part of the deal, but it was the WHOLE deal, as far as I was concerned, it was my reasoning and purpose for betting. You have managed to get a lot of people in your corner by being dishonest about this, and claiming you never agreed to these terms, but we both know and understand that is a lie.

If I were more concerned with my reputation here, and what you pinheads think of me, I would have just let the bet stand and not cancelled it. This is about principle for me, I don't owe you money on a bet that was cancelled because you broke the rules. It's not 'welching' because the bet was cancelled and never took place, therefore, no debt is owed and there was no bet to welch on. Had I allowed the bet to stand until after the results... or as in HipLew's example, after the election returns had started coming in... then it would be a different matter, that would be welching on a bet. As it stands, that isn't what happened, the bet was called off due to your inability to follow the rules established from the very start, which you are too dishonest to admit you agreed to and acknowledged, as part of the bet.

I don't care if every pinhead, conservative, neocon, and Robdawg agree with you on this, it doesn't matter to me what they have to say about it, or who they think is right here. I bet with you for the sole reason of getting you to shut up about it, and you fully understood that was my motive, you had to understand this, since the constant non-stop haranguing was a deliberate attempt on your part, to get me to bet with you in the first place. So, after I accept your relentless challenges, you decide to continue doing the same thing, just from the perspective of already having made the bet. I warned you, twice actually, and you acknowledged me, and agreed to not mention the bet anymore... that lasted about a week or two, and you started right back up again with it. After two warnings and months of listening to your shit, I pulled the plug on the bet. I'm sorry, I know you wanted to win, but you can't 'win at any cost' when you're betting.


-DIXIE: “I am worried about the bet I made the other day with maine.” He posted:

maineman: And my wager is still there: we will gain seats in both the Senate and the House in '06.... putting the ball in the net with our eyes wide open.... $100...”

“....and I accepted, assuming he was using normal English! Now, after realizing he doesn't speak in "normal" English, but rather this new progressive language the left has adopted, I am afraid this bet might be transformed into something I never intended.”

-MAINEMAN responds: “The number of democrats in the Senate caucus will be greater after the election than now... the number of democrats in the house caucus will be greater than now. $100.... that was always the bet... are YOU trying to wiggle out?”

-DIXIE: “Thanks for clarification maine, and no, I am not trying to wiggle out of anything, but I am a little concerned about your financial situation... looks like you may need to secure a loan to pay off when you lose, and you're still running your mouth!”

If I were more concerned with my reputation here,

Oh you don't have to worry about that, it is in the gutter and will remain there.
DIXIE: “Thanks for clarification maine, and no, I am not trying to wiggle out of anything, but I am a little concerned about your financial situation... looks like you may need to secure a loan to pay off when you lose, and you're still running your mouth!”

that sentence alone pretty much puts to rest this idea that, when the bet was made, a condition of it was for me to not mention it again... and it also puts to rest this idea that Dixie made the bet knowing he would lose just to shut me up.
but rest assured, everyone...I NEVER expected this jerk to pay up...and watching his reputation slide into the gutter is a plus - and that was all I really ever dID expect to get from this wager.
nope...the bet was made.... I continued to gloat about it as your party's fortunes worsened and you said that if I didn't stop talking about it the bet was off....a condition you made unilaterally.

I told you from the very beginning, it was a lame bet, that it would defy the odds for Republicans to gain in both houses, because the controlling party almost never gains seats in a midterm.

In the weeks leading up to the bet, I told you the only reason I would bet, would be to get you to stop challenging me about it, not because I thought it was a safe bet, or that I would win the bet. The entire reason for me making the bet with you, was to get you to shut up with the challenges, but the challenges simply took on a different form, and continued. Therefore, the bet was cancelled before the event took place, and there was no welching.

Since that time, you and Prissy, along with the typical antagonists, have run off to FP.com and pieced together a cherry-picked case against me, and apparently convinced enough idiots here to side with you. I'm certain there are any number of statements you can cherry pick out to make me look bad here, no doubt about it, but you are intentionally being dishonest and you know it, that is why you continue to explain yourself here, even though the majority have agreed with you.

Take you 'victory' and enjoy it, you earned it! Bask in the glory of knowing you pulled another one, at my expense, and got away with it! Let your head swell with pride, as the pinheads line up to lick your balls and tell you what an honorable man you are! This is what it was all about anyway, you getting your rocks off by being praised and congratulated by your pinhead following. I just hope it was worth the $100 you could have won, if you had obeyed the rules.

I am officially DONE with this conversation and this issue. If you pinheads want to continue squawking about it like a bunch of menopausal hens, that's cool, I have said my piece and explained my position, and there is nothing more to add. Have fun at the Dixie Bashfest!
-DIXIE: “I told you from the very beginning, it was a lame bet, that it would defy the odds for Republicans to gain in both houses, because the controlling party almost never gains seats in a midterm.”

actually Dixie, you predicted that Republicans would defy the odds, and that the Dems “would be lucky” to pick up a seat or two in the House, and that the Dems would “probably” lose seats in the Senate

full politics.com:

-DIXIE: I don't know anything for certain, and I could very well lose this bet, but it should make things interesting…. People will say... well Dixie, why did you make a bet against the odds? My reasoning is, the democrats are moving backwards... it's a trend. Yes, it will be unprcidented, but not impossible, and with the current "message" I am hearing and seeing from the dems... I'll take that chance. They might luck out and pick up a seat or two in the house, but they'll probably lose a few in the Senate. I just don't see them having a platform strong enough to gain in both bodies at this time, and I don't think they are going to understand it until it's too late. Also, there is the fundraising game... which Howard Dean is sorely losing for the Dems... you can't win elections with no money. Couple that with no message or "reason" to vote for Dems other than hate for Bush, and I think it's a real possibility they will lose seats.
MM: did that "other" con ever pay you?

funny thing about the "other" con.... about a month before election day, he could see the handwriting on the wall and wanted to know if I would accept $25 BEFORE the election as settlement for out bet. I said that I would...primarily because he is supposedly a young fellow and I was feeling magnanimous. I sent him my home address and waited...and waited... and waited for the money to come. Election day came and went...still no money... and no money to this day.

Is anyone really surprised?
Shit, I lost a bet to Rob on last year's superbowl, and sent him the cash in the mail the next day. You make a bet, you pay when you lose.

Dixie thinks otherwise.

Unreal. You lose, you pay, Dixie's trying to spin that? No wonder he doesn't get it about the war.
Shit, I lost a bet to Rob on last year's superbowl, and sent him the cash in the mail the next day. You make a bet, you pay when you lose.

Dixie thinks otherwise.

Unreal. You lose, you pay, Dixie's trying to spin that? No wonder he doesn't get it about the war.
I think there may be an allegory in there. Dubya made a bet, lost, and refuses to pay up too.