Yea right, sure. Libertarians couldn't build a winning coalition if their lives depended on it.
It’s rightfully been said that libertarians are like “herding cats.” But it should also be noted that Democrats & Republicans are like herding idiots from the local asylum over a 10,000 foot cliff, it’s like taking candy from a baby.
The GOP needs to do the following if it wants to succeed at the national level. It needs to broaden it's appeal. The GOP is predominantly a party of plutocrats.
You mean like those famous GOP plutocrats Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, the socialist gun grabber Michael Bloomberg and the Hollywood elite? Oh! That’s right they’re all socialist opposed to actually writing an extra check for the federal treasury and proudly hopeful that the feds will “force” them to pony up with the tax code, huh? Hypocrisy is the left’s middle name!
They need to build a message of economic growth that is broad and inclusive and is reality based.
Why would they do that when they plainly see the political success the left has with wrecking the economy with social programming, special interest alliances and crony capitalism? Of course the only real reason the left is wallowing in political success
now is because of the G. W. Bush disaster and his unconstitutional wars that Obama refuses to take responsibility for and the fact that Democrats have been successful at blaming
ALL of the housing/banking bubble bursting on the Republicans when in fact they’ (the left), share at least half the blame for that.
To do that they need to abandon cultural conservatives who are to far out of the mainstream,
It’s only a matter of time and a pretty short time at that, that the Democrat’s Achilles heel.
gun control & the crummy economy will catch up with them and they’ll be the party scrambling for realignment. The proof is in the pudding. Carter got Reagan elected, Bush one got Clinton elected, Clinton got G. W. Bush elected and G. W. Bush got Obama elected. The voting idiot minions are always looking for somebody to replace the idiot that’s in the White House and the Congress. Only the brain-dead incurable partisans remain loyal to their respective duopoly parties. After 8 years of Obama the Republicans could likely run Goober for President and win. It’s all a matter of
timing in corrupt American politics.
They need to abandon the southern strategy and the racism that is endemic to it
Without the south the Republicans couldn’t win a race for dog catcher! They can’t afford to “abandon” anybody except the fucking neo-cons in the party at this point in time. What they need is to bring back the Barry Goldwater’s of the party like the Rand Paul’s and several of the Tea Party favorites in the Congress that have the balls to stand their ground in the face of defeat to oppose Washington’s ungodly spending and debt. They need to embrace homosexual’s constitutional rights, defy the idiot Drug War, defy the American idiot foreign policy, the World Police Force and promote the downsizing of the stupid Military Industrial Complex and oppose the unconstitutional wars. They need to propose and promote a sane immigration policy.
and they need to abandon supply side economic policies that are to lopsided in favor of the plutocracy.
One of their problems is that they already have abandoned
supply side economics They need to reinstitute it like Clinton and the Republican Congress did when Bush One abandoned it.
Libertarians? Throw them a bone but by and large ignore them, try to keep them on your side but don't put any of them in a position of responsibility since they could fuck up a wet dream. In other words, I wouldn't worry about Libertarians since they never accomplish anything anyways.
Unless they become way, way more
”libertarian,” They will forever remain just another carbon copy of the socialist bribery leftist scam. It has been duly noted that the vast majority of Americans by and large are socially liberal, (not socially leftist), and fiscally conservative. That, genius is