What's wrong with the Republicans and how to fix it

You’re talking about ”The Party.” All political parties suck and every party platform is a fucking scam joke.

“If I had to go to heaven but with a party, I would not go.” (Thomas Jefferson)

there is no heaven.

So you want the american people to agree with the libertarian ideas but you dont want there to be any ideas for them to agree with?

dude your WAY confused
you have seven more years of that gerrymandered map.

then it gets redrawn.

Your party iwll be dead by then if you dont change
you have seven more years of that gerrymandered map.

then it gets redrawn.

Your party iwll be dead by then if you dont change

Your party will suffer the fate of 2010 in 2014 if you do not ditch Obamacare. It sounded good until all the little additional fees and taxes started rearing their ugly head.
Its like you people dont recognoise we JUST HAD an election.

The people didnt pick you party just six months ago dude.

They cheated

they lied

and the people rejected your party

yet you slobbered all over Fox news when they lied ot you non stop about Robmoney winning the election
Its like you people dont recognoise we JUST HAD an election.

The people didnt pick you party just six months ago dude.

They cheated

they lied

and the people rejected your party

yet you slobbered all over Fox news when they lied ot you non stop about Robmoney winning the election

It sounds almost like you want the republican party to die off . . . not that they would. but I seem to remember the popular vote wasnt as cut and dry as you'd make it out to be.


As an aside, I read a string of articles that describe how political humor colors ones opinion of canidates.
You people keep pretending your not a dying party.

You keep insulting Americans and cheating them out of their vote and wonder why your party has to increase its cheating efforts every election just to have a shot at winning.

You jumped the shark this time.

No more winning through cheating for your party
Its like you people dont recognoise we JUST HAD an election.

The people didnt pick you party just six months ago dude.

They cheated

they lied

and the people rejected your party

yet you slobbered all over Fox news when they lied ot you non stop about Robmoney winning the election

That is why the Republicans still hold the House.
As I have said here many times, there are two types of conservatives, the fiscal conservative and the social conservative.

If the GOP would abandon the social conservatives (they are blatantly anti-freedom and backwards), and push a platform of fiscal conservatism, they could regain relevance.

But allowing the focus of the politics to be anti-gay, anti-woman and anti-everythingthatisn'twhiteamerican, will see them sliding down worse than they are now.

Ok fine.

Now name some fiscal conservatives who aren't progressive liberals.

Don't give me fatso in New jersey please.

Don't give me gun grabber Bloomberg in New York.

Don't give me Forbes who went on national news and told the country that if the Bush bailouts weren't supported, the country would implode.
You're wrong. That's exactly what the GOP needs to do. Abandon the cultural conservatives who can't deal with 21st century reality and want to drag us back to superannuated social institutions of the 19th century based in a large part on bigotry. It's a tough predicament for the GOP as those clowns represent about 40% of the base. The solution, in the short term, will hurt the GOP but needs to be done. They need to distance themselves from the anti-intellectualism, xenophobia and racism of the cultural conservatives and embrace the main street Rockefeller Republican values that lead Dwight D. Eisenhower to become the greatest Republican politician of the 20th century.
So then totally alienate the Social conservative majority in the US? Pathetic.
We need to revive the Moral Majority that Falwell started with great success. Since these peaheaded Liberals think that America needs to be "tolerant" of rabid Sodomites and embrace abortion on demand, we need Social Conservatives to act as a buffer against them. Hey Liberals, change is not always good, morons.
there is no heaven.

So you want the american people to agree with the libertarian ideas but you dont want there to be any ideas for them to agree with?

dude your WAY confused

Actually Goober I don’t much give a flying fuck what the minions do and if the Constitution isn’t enough ‘ideas” for them to agree with its at their own peril.
Yeah! Like phony prophets like Falwell encouraging politicians and government to dictate morals. Y’all Elmer Gantry types along with the war hawks are what’s wrong with the Republican Party. The “moral majority?” Who’s fucking morals? What God died and appointed the fucking neo-cons the “keepers of morals?” Ain’t you the same folks that oppose abortions then kill babies all over the world with undeclared, unconstitutional wars?

Mixing politics/government and religious zealotry is what the fucking Talaban and Al-Qaeda do.