But the Constitution says plenty about individual rights and equal ,protection of the law and that covers soooooo many, many issues including marriage contracts. Correctly defined, it tells government at every level to butt the fuck out of agreeable marriage contracts. It’s a principle I endorse and promote.
“The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” (Amendment 9, United States Constitution)
“……….No State shall make or enforce any law…………….nor deny any person within it’s jurisdiction equal protection of the law.” (Amendment 14, United States Constitution)
Here is the problem with your argument for gay marriage; The Constitution says plenty about individual rights and equal protection. If the government is supposed to butt the fuck out of "gay" marriage, why not "polygamist" marriage, or "animal" marriage? Or any number of other sexually deviate behaviors disguised as marriage for the sake of legitimizing the behavior? If the SCOTUS rules that marriage can be redefined to include or accommodate a specific sexual proclivity, then it also has to allow the inclusion of any sexual proclivity which doesn't violate the rights of others.
It's really easy for people to see this as an issue of inequality when it's not. If gay marriage is made law of the land, to the exclusion of all other non-traditional "marriages" of other individuals,
that is when you would have a constitutional inequality. I've been posting this argument for years, and adversaries have laughed and asked me where all of these lawsuits are from the goat fuckers and pedophiles, but the thing is, we haven't had the ruling from the SCOTUS which would be the basis for this, that's what is being debated in SCOTUS now. If it is determined that gay people have the right to pervert the meaning of marriage, then we have to allow the same right to everyone who isn't harming another's rights. So then you say, but that would not mean 12-year old marriages, because this would be a violation of the parent's rights regarding their minor child, but age of consent is an arbitrary restriction, it can be very easily changed, and if we can change marriage, we can certainly change age of consent. They will argue that animals can't "consent" so they can't marry, but animals aren't given Constitutional rights, and the very nature of sexual bestiality requires an implied consent from the animal through participation... if a dog doesn't want to fuck a woman, it won't. You've given the "right" to homosexuals to redefine marriage to include their relationships, how can you deny the 'equal protection' for others?
Now having said all of this, many will automatically conclude that I am a homophobic hater of gays, and I oppose same sex unions. This is simply not the case. I have proposed, many times, a solution to this problem which would give every side pretty much what they want, and resolve the issue forever. Step one, establish that the government/law has no place in defining "marriage" or what that means to individuals. Step two, establish that ANY government/law recognition of domestic partnership is generic in nature, not related to sexuality or religion, and is simply acknowledged as a "civil union" of any two consenting adults. Problems solved! Churches and traditionalists can keep the sanctity of traditional marriage, gay couples can have the legal instrumentation of traditional couples, and there is the added benefit of opening the door for "platonic marriage" or arrangements which aren't homo or hetero sexual. This may include an adult child and their aging parent, or two sisters, or even two friends who happen to be compatible living together. Most importantly, we haven't redefined marriage to include a sexual behavior, and this is not a precedent used in the future to push for more perverse arguments regarding how "marriage" is defined.