Two points. With respect to marriage there is a reason after millions of years of social organization have ordered itself toward one man marrying one woman. It is the most rational, biological option for a thriving prosperous society. That is a fact. The state has an interest in that. Now should the state be involved in codifying that contract? No not in my mind.
I give you the
divorce rate of “one man/one woman[/b] marriages. I give you the poverty rate of divorced one man/one woman marriages. I give you the child poverty rate of divorced one man/one woman marriages. I give you the child poverty rate of divorced/break up homosexual marriages/live together relationships. The latter has none. If government/the state, has a rational skin in the game of deciding agreeable adult marriage contracts, it’s doing a piss poor job just like most everything governments do, don’t you think?
For thousands of years and especially in the Christian Bible “polygamy” was “traditional” marriage. Solomon had 1,000 wives and 1500 concubine and was considered by the Bible to be “A Man Of God!” So much for the skewed prejudice religious view of marriage contracts!
The issue over gay marriage isn't because they have some overwhelming desire to marry that did not exist hundreds of years ago. They do not and don't believe them when they tell you. They are committed to the destruction of the institutions that made this a strong and prosperous nation.
Well I’ve always thought that the most important “institution” of a strong America was “the Constitution” and the individual rights guaranteed by it and I’ve always believed that’s what makes America strong. I believe that because both right and left have severely abandoned the Constitution is why America is getting weaker & weaker.
If you want to see what redefining the role of marriage can do, look no further than the black community. In the 1920s at the height of democrats terrorizing black people with the KKK blacks had a high rate of married families.
I don’t believe the democrats KKK was terrorizing the blacks because they were “married” one man/one woman families, I believe they were terrorizing them because they were “black.”
Fast forward to the 1960s and the lefties deciding they needed to keep the blacks on their plantation with welfare replacing the father and you have an illegitimacy rate of over 70% and the consequences that stem from that simple redefinition of the traditional family.
That wasn’t redefining traditional marriage, it was redefining the federal roll in a welfare state that’s prohibited by the Constitution. Welfare doesn’t produce homosexuality it produces poverty, violence and the prevention of most all marriages of any gender.
So yes, the traditional family matters. It wasn't by accident. It wasn't because some guy said it should be so. It is because it works.
As I’ve presented, it works for a high divorce and child poverty rate. And by what evidence do you evaluate that gay marriage contracts between agreeable adults brings an end to traditional man/woman marriages? Why isn’t there room in America for freedom of agreeable adult contracts for everybody without respect for race creed or gender?
As for drugs, I have always been conflicted on this issue and go back and forth taking both sides. I see both arguments and in a perfect world, if one just wants to fill their veins with heroin who am I to complain. But, we have created a socie where those actions do impact my freedoms as I have to pay a societal and financial cost for their actions.
Now, if you have a world where they truly are accepting the physical and financial ramifications of their drug use then, yes I will support legalizing drugs.
Well if you wish to consider the financial ramifications of the Drug War look no further thatn the creation of it by government. It’s costing American taxpayers billions every year, clogging up the penal and judicial system and turning criminals into billionaires. It’s a tax free market place for criminals and even terrorist.
Look no further than the past and repealed “Prohibition Of Alcohol War” for the physical ramifications that produced corruption in politicians, judges and law enforcement, shooting wars in our streets and incarceration of otherwise non-violent folks. To boot, it was determined by a past Congress that a constitutional amendment had to be ratified to prohibit the transportation and sale of alcohol, but the fucking crook Nixon started the Drug War with no such amendment and the Drug War has produced more incarceration of non-violent folks, caused more corruption of politicians, judges and law enforcement and more violence in our streets than alcohol prohibition ever did, not to mention it cost taxpayers billions more and even creates a tax free market for terrorist as well as criminals.
I give you the 4th & 9th Amendments to our Constitution. Nixon’s Drug War is totally unconstitutional. If that alone isn’t enough to cause you to oppose the Drug War, I don’t think anything ever will be.
BTW, there’s no credible evidence that drug legalization of all drugs will produce more drug use or drug addicts. There’s no credible evidence that repealing prohibition of alcohol created more individual alcohol use or alcohol addiction.