What’s wrong with Woke?
its asleep.....
woke is what white people call each other to pretend they care about black lives mattering.
MTV's racist screed is funny on it.
I hear Trumppers complaining about people they call “Woke”.
The way I understand it, if a person tries to be aware of others, their needs and feelings, and tries to behave in a considerate way toward others, they are “Woke”.
Somehow that’s an insult?
THat was funny, thanks.
So, if I understand it, its bad to call yourself 'woke', because it means you really aren't.
I'm okay with that, never called myself "woke".
Its like when they turned elite into a bad word.
To me, being "the elite" meant you were the best at something.
I enjoy Hawley and Cruz, (Ivy League graduates) complaining about the elite.
It's against free speech. Next!
"They" being those people who said we should speak truth to power? Those in power are the elite right? They are the best at what they do. Why should we should challenge them instead of accepting they know best?
Why did/do people say 'question authority'? Again, those in authority are the elite are they not? Why question the elite?
Its like when they turned elite into a bad word.
To me, being "the elite" meant you were the best at something.
I enjoy Hawley and Cruz, (Ivy League graduates) complaining about the elite.
“This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and you’re always politically ‘woke’ and all that stuff,”
Mr. Obama said. “You should get over that quickly.”
“The world is messy; there are ambiguities,” he continued. “People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids, and share certain things with you.”
I do get a sense sometimes now among certain young people, and this is accelerated by social media, there is this sense sometimes of: ‘The way of me making change is to be as judgmental as possible about other people,’” he said, “and that’s enough.”
“Like, if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do something right or used the wrong verb,” he said, “then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself, cause, ‘Man, you see how woke I was, I called you out.’”
Kind of like lebron james complaining america is a "systemically" racist country.
I hear Trumpperscomplaininglaughing about people they call “Woke”.
Current event?
IN many ways it is.
Its funniest coming from those who consider themselves elite.