Uhm... yes, it is the same thing.
Point of conception is where life begins, no other point. If you want to claim that not all conceptions produce human beings that survive, that is fine, I can accept that... but at point of conception, it becomes a living unique multi-cell organism, and if it is the product human sperm and egg, it is a human organism. Nothing else has to happen, it doesn't become human somewhere down the road, it is already human at point of conception, and that is where it begins the life process. If you have evidence to show otherwise, I am sure millions of biologists would be intrigued to see it... please present some of it!
As soon as you and/or the scientists you refer to can state, unequivocally, that the over 50% of conceptions that spontaneously abort have all the necessary parts to be considered a unique multi-celled organism.
Have you ever considered why over 50% spontaneously abort? Think about it some time.