BS! Nobody is born perfect. Imperfections vary by degree, but they are present in every human. Defective DNA code is not equal to everything not being present.
There comes a point where the defects in the genetic code preclude an organism from functioning and the functioning is part of the definition of an organism; namely: the ability to carry on the processes of life. It follows if the genetic code is damaged to the degree where the fertilized cell is not an organism, not able to carry on the processes of life, then the fertilized cell can not be a human being. The only logical conclusion one can draw is not all conceptions are human beings.
For the sake of argument apple, we are talking about those fetuses that do not spontaneously abort. Whether they are defective and thus spontaneously aborted is not a part of the medical abortion debate.
Quite the contrary. The core of the abortion debate revolves around human beings and the argument put forward is all conceptions are human beings. All conceptions are not human beings as all conceptions are not organisms as not all conceptions can carry on the processes of life.
So, when is something a human being? Once we remove the false premise that every conception is a human being the anti-abortionists are lost.
As to birth defects? Children born with them are still human beings.
Every child born is a human being. No argument there.