When Does Life End?

What's obvious is after that time we have a fertilized cell. A fertilized cell. Maybe you consider the lives of female members of your family to be on par with a fertilized cell and if so you have my sympathies but the female members of my family rate a lot higher than that.

Do you support an abortion because of rape or incest?

Every member of the human race is on a par with a fertilized ovum...we are all humans, differing only in age.....thats science

1..I support abortion when a women is made pregnant against her will,

2..When her life is at risk (that doesn't mean her pregnancy causes a headache)

3..and when the baby has "severe" uncorrectable mental and sometimes physical handicaps that make his existence untenable....

I imagine you were not expecting that answer.....

In all cases proof must be available and a panel of MD's to agree on any diagnosis...

IN NO CASE shall a pregnancy be terminated for frivolous convenience....
I would expect that the panel of MD's would prevent this....

And none of this changes the FACT that a human life is whats being terminated ..... just as we have safeguards in the execution of prisoners we must maintain safeguards in abortions....
People like Beethoven (deaf), Helen Keller (deaf/blind)or Stephen Hawking (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), prove the value of even the severly handicapped....and the disgust I have for those that support abortion without limits...I've shown 95% of all abortions are un-necessary killing of perfectly healthy and viable human beings....
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Then prove that all those aborted babies were going to NOT have a good life.
Show some percentages that support your THEORY; because otherwise it's just you expressing your FEELINGS and making yourself appear to be an EMO.

I already explained myself. Obviously a woman seeking an abortion does not want a child. Do you think forcing her to bear one is going to cause her to love and nurture it?

Do you know any young, single women? Do you think you can force them to do something they don't want to do? Force them to love and nurture a child they don't want? Force them to spend their money on a child they don't want instead of spending money on themselves? And you want to put a child in that situation? Why? Why would you want that?
Every member of the human race is on a par with a fertilized ovum...we are all humans, differing only in age.....thats science

1..I support abortion when a women is made pregnant against her will,

2..When her life is at risk (that doesn't mean her pregnancy causes a headache)

3..and when the baby has "severe" uncorrectable mental and sometimes physical handicaps that make his existence untenable....

I imagine you were not expecting that answer.....

In all cases proof must be available and a panel of MD's to agree on any diagnosis...

IN NO CASE shall a pregnancy be terminated for frivolous convenience....
I would expect that the panel of MD's would prevent this....

And none of this changes the FACT that a human life is whats being terminated ..... just as we have safeguards in the execution of prisoners we must maintain safeguards in abortions....
People like Beethoven (deaf), Helen Keller (deaf/blind)or Stephen Hawking (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), prove the value of even the severly handicapped....and the disgust I have for those that support abortion without limits...I've shown 95% of all abortions are un-necessary killing of perfectly healthy and viable human beings....

"I support abortion when a women is made pregnant against her will"

Have not all women seeking abortions become pregnant against their will? Obviously they didn't want to become pregnant.

Or are you referring to cases where the Mommy wasn't in the mood for sex so then it's alright to kill a human being? If so, you are more of a hypocrite than I ever imagined.
I already explained myself. Obviously a woman seeking an abortion does not want a child. Do you think forcing her to bear one is going to cause her to love and nurture it?

Do you know any young, single women? Do you think you can force them to do something they don't want to do? Force them to love and nurture a child they don't want? Force them to spend their money on a child they don't want instead of spending money on themselves? And you want to put a child in that situation? Why? Why would you want that?

Obviously a woman seeking an abortion does not want a child. ?

No shit you fuckin' bonehead...if she had the kid and took it home and put it in the microwave you might just come to the same conclusion....or maybe if she ran the little bastard over as he got off the school bus....moron.

I've run across some strange folks in the past few years on these political boards, but you are about the most despicable, brainless toad so far...your logic and reasoning is on a par with a pre-teenager....naive and narrow-minded to the extreme....and imagining you can predict how women might react to having a baby is about as arrogant as it gets....


People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what's bitter and move on.

Bill Cosby
I already explained myself. Obviously a woman seeking an abortion does not want a child. Do you think forcing her to bear one is going to cause her to love and nurture it?

Do you know any young, single women? Do you think you can force them to do something they don't want to do? Force them to love and nurture a child they don't want? Force them to spend their money on a child they don't want instead of spending money on themselves? And you want to put a child in that situation? Why? Why would you want that?

So you really have nothing to show support for your offerings.

You seem real concerned about how someone thinks, maybe you should be concerned that they can't seem to stop fucking and not being responsible.


People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what's bitter and move on.

Bill Cosby
I believe an unwanted child is not going to have a good life. It's called using common sense. If a woman does not want to bear a child there is a reason. If she is forced to bear a child its absurd to think that child is going to be loved and nurtured.

Again, what don't you understand?

your mistaken belief that only the mother can love and nurture the child.....
Obviously a woman seeking an abortion does not want a child. ?

No shit you fuckin' bonehead...if she had the kid and took it home and put it in the microwave you might just come to the same conclusion....or maybe if she ran the little bastard over as he got off the school bus....moron.

I've run across some strange folks in the past few years on these political boards, but you are about the most despicable, brainless toad so far...your logic and reasoning is on a par with a pre-teenager....naive and narrow-minded to the extreme....and imagining you can predict how women might react to having a baby is about as arrogant as it gets....

"and imagining you can predict how women might react to having a baby is about as arrogant as it gets"

Not arrogance, my ignorant friend. It's knowledge and experience. When you mature and acquire some of life's knowledge and experience you'll see for yourself.

Do you think a young woman, one who enjoys the attention of boys and going out with friends and partying, is going to transform into "Suzy Homemaker"?

You have no idea what you're talking about. Most unfortunate.
So you really have nothing to show support for your offerings.

I have plenty of support. Read my last post. Young women are not going to go from partying and being the center of attention to staying home alone and changing dirty diapers. It doesn't happen.

You seem real concerned about how someone thinks, maybe you should be concerned that they can't seem to stop fucking and not being responsible.

My concern is the new human being brought into the world. My concern is the child contrary to the so-called concern of the child anti-abortionists claim. Forcing a woman to have a child because she can't stop fucking is not having concern for the child. It's using a child as punishment and that's about as vile as it gets.
I have plenty of support. Read my last post. Young women are not going to go from partying and being the center of attention to staying home alone and changing dirty diapers. It doesn't happen.

My concern is the new human being brought into the world. My concern is the child contrary to the so-called concern of the child anti-abortionists claim. Forcing a woman to have a child because she can't stop fucking is not having concern for the child. It's using a child as punishment and that's about as vile as it gets.

Once again, you seem to be avoiding the reasoning that just maybe the young woman should be just a little more responsible for her behavioir and stop trying to find the quick fix for herself.
neither....the government should prohibit the killing of unborn human beings....

Try stepping into the world of reality. The choice is: "A" Government provides access to abortion as soon as possible or "B" Women are required to pay resulting in time taken to acquire the funds and the fetus developing further.

If the object is to reduce late term abortions I see the answer as obvious but I would like to hear your answer.
Try stepping into the world of reality. The choice is: "A" Government provides access to abortion as soon as possible or "B" Women are required to pay resulting in time taken to acquire the funds and the fetus developing further.

If the object is to reduce late term abortions I see the answer as obvious but I would like to hear your answer.

how is eliminating one of the choices (and the better choice by far) stepping into the world of reality....you see the answer as obvious only because you eliminate the good choice....both of yours are bad......you keep saying you want to hear my answer, but when I give it you ignore it......
I'll trade you abortion in the case of rape or incest in exchange for no abortions in all other cases....

Ah, yes. Trading in human lives. Bartering. Let's see how far we can lower what it means to be a human being.

It never ceases to amaze me the logic used by anti-abortionists. Fetuses are human beings but, hey, if Mommy wasn't in the mood at the time it's fine to kill the human being. That's the anti-abortionist idea of reverence for life.
Once again, you seem to be avoiding the reasoning that just maybe the young woman should be just a little more responsible for her behavioir and stop trying to find the quick fix for herself.

Forcing a child on her as punishment or to teach her a lesson is not caring about the child. That's the reasoning and that's the disdain I have for anti-abortionists.

Research shows the principal reason countries outlawed abortion was to increase the population, specifically, young males for war. That was the deal, in 1869, between Napoleon of France (Not the Napoleon of Waterloo fame) and the, then, Pope. That resulted in outlawing all abortions. Talk about a deal made in Hell.

When I see real championing of child welfare, from increased assistance for single mothers to universal daycare to free medical and dental, then I'll take the anti-abortionist "we care about the child" rhetoric seriously.
how is eliminating one of the choices (and the better choice by far) stepping into the world of reality....you see the answer as obvious only because you eliminate the good choice....both of yours are bad......you keep saying you want to hear my answer, but when I give it you ignore it......

Then let me rephrase the question. Until there are changes in the abortion law do you favor government assistance or forcing women to obtain the necessary funds knowing with each passing day the nervous system of the fetus improves?
Then let me rephrase the question. Until there are changes in the abortion law do you favor government assistance or forcing women to obtain the necessary funds knowing with each passing day the nervous system of the fetus improves?
Knowing that government assistance is available, do you always throw out straw men while arguing abortion?

Do you even know what the republican platform on this is? My guess is you don't. But we'll wait for your answer anyway.