You really do have a comprehension problem. Let’s take it from the top.
I asked, “Do you think the government should provide free abortions or insist women pay for it themselves resulting in later term abortions due to the time it takes the women, usually young single women, to acquire the money?
When I noticed a couple of folks had difficulty responding I rephrased the question asking, “Until there are changes in the abortion law do you favor government assistance or forcing women to obtain the necessary funds knowing with each passing day the nervous system of the fetus improves?
You responded with, "Your question was whether they supported government help for the woman who would have the child.
When shown that they do, referring to the actual platform of the party, you then turn it to this."
The help required was specifically spelled out in my first question, "provide free abortions". The rephrased question read, "do you favor government assistance or forcing women to obtain the necessary funds".
Having read both questions even folks with minimal comprehension abilities would understand the government help was in relation to abortion funding, not extending health care to the fetus.
Perhaps an analogy would be appropriate. Being spring, one may ask their friend if they'd give them a hand digging/turning over the soil in the garden in preparation for planting and the friend replies, "Sure, I'll help laying sod so you'll have nice lawn where all that bare earth is."
Here comes the test question. Would you consider the friend who is offering to lay sod is offering to help the friend who requests help digging the garden?"
If you answer "yes", out of curiosity, how many friends do you have?