My goodness. I sure touched a nerve there, didn't I? Are you sure there's nothing you want to share?
Yes, I do make references to "back then" for two reasons. First, because I'm old enough and, second, because I have done research. I know that restrictions on abortion resulted in destroying woman's lives and, in some cases, resulted in deaths due to botched abortions.
Restrictions on abortion caused emotional/mental trauma that lasted a lifetime and that is not going to happen again whether or not ass wipes like you think embryos and zygotes are human beings.
You have no idea what women and their children went through and although the world has changed bearing an unwanted child negatively impacts a woman's life as well as the child's.
Yes, I know of a woman who was young, bore a child, then had to give it up. All her life she wondered about that child. Well, for 18 years until they could contact the "authorities" and attempt to make contact with the child. The child was notified by the "authorities" and decided to meet her biological mother.
I know the mother very well as I dated her for a period of time, years after she gave up the child. I know the anguish she went through. I know the heartache she still goes through as she phoned me just last week to say she's coming for a visit to this country to see her daughter. Of course, the daughter never knew her growing up so there is no connection, no bond. Do you have any idea what that must feel like knowing the child you bore has no more feelings towards you than any other stranger?
Talking about ass wipe it's most fitting for you considering you're the one interested in other people's ass. Maybe that's due to having your head up yours for so long.
Frankly, I don't give a damn what you think of me. My only interest is exposing the hypocrisy and bullshit and lies and deceit and manipulation of anti-abortionists. They interfere in the most intimate aspects of people's lives, cause unnecessary anguish with their lies and deceit and manipulation, then walk away after a child comes into the world.
We aren't going back to the "good, ol' days" regardless of your screeching and perverted obsession with other people's asses and sex lives. Do us all a favor and go get laid, if you can.
P.S. My back is acting up and I'm a bit cranky.