You keep inserting this argument when backed into a corner apple. Less than 2% of all abortions are related to rape, and most of those are incest...meaning a medical neccesity. If states choose to allow abortion for this reason I am down with it. This at least is a truly subjective gray area choice. The woman was not irresponsible she was violated. She truly could suffer from mental or physical causes directly related to the pregnancy that resulted due to this violation. The fact that you try and justify 97% of abortions because of this, is quite frankly, pathetic and illogical.
The truth of the matter is that a human being is created at the moment of conception and once it implants itself in a womans womb becomes viable unless nature or man kills it. It is no less human simply because it is in its beginning stages. The fact that people like you have to deem it non-human or less than human so that you can morally and legally kill it is exactly the mind set of those who who imposed slavery on an entire race of human beings...that's is arrogance at its height of expression!
If you want to compare abortion to how Blacks were treated here's the comparison. "Equal but different." Do you remember that horse shit from the 60s? Blacks were equal to us but......but different. That horse shit tried to pass just as the embryo/zygote/fetus horse shit is trying to pass and people aren't buying it.
There is ONE type/kind of human being and how they were created does not diminish their value. It's the same perverted thinking that a mother's life, a defective mother's life no less, is automatically worth more than the life of another innocent human being. It is vile, disgusting and outrageous.
Did you learn nothing from history? The worst thing we can do is place a different value on a group of people. I don't care if 2% of abortions are related to rape or .0002%. There is NO justification to killing an innocent human being due to how it was created.
Of course, zygotes and embryos and fetuses are not human beings so, of course, a woman is justified to abort in situations of rape or any other situation where she does not want to bring a child into the world.
Every human either has the same value or no one has any value. History has taught us that. Well, most of us were taught. It's the necessary, common sense exceptions that show us embryos/zygotes/fetus' are not human beings because exceptions invariably lead to atrocities.
I have posted an example of a 10 year old on a balcony with his mother. Do you recall that? If the passive presence of an offspring is a threat to the mother's life, such as a problem pregnancy and she has the right to kill it, then surely that right continues after birth. Why would it not? Anti-abortionists keep telling us there's nothing special about birth. It's the same human being before and after so why do the rules change?
I keep asserting the same argument because, hopefully, people will understand the craziness of the anti-abortion position. Maybe some folks will actually think it through. What if 'this'? What about 'that'?
That's the way sensible, intelligent people come to the proper conclusions. They think things through.