When is a whore not a whore?


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Some idiot tried to tell me that Stormy Daniels is not a whore. Said there was a difference between a porn star and a whore. Aside from their paychecks and working conditions, I really don't see a difference. Do you?
Some idiot tried to tell me that Stormy Daniels is not a whore. Said there was a difference between a porn star and a whore. Aside from their paychecks and working conditions, I really don't see a difference. Do you?

Well, porn stars are not prosecuted in most US jurisdictions., although they do engage in sexual activity for pay

Did Whores-face have sex with Trump for money?
Some idiot tried to tell me that Stormy Daniels is not a whore. Said there was a difference between a porn star and a whore. Aside from their paychecks and working conditions, I really don't see a difference. Do you?

Stormy sells her body; that's the definition of a whore. But we should pity her. She's mentally unstable, gullible and hired a loser for an attorney who just cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars in Trump attorney fees.
Stormy sells her body; that's the definition of a whore. But we should pity her. She's mentally unstable, gullible and hired a loser for an attorney who just cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars in Trump attorney fees.

A good-looking woman (which she was in her younger days) with no better prospects is often tempted to trade sex for money. Lots of marriages start that way, after all.
Stormy sells her body; that's the definition of a whore. But we should pity her. She's mentally unstable, gullible and hired a loser for an attorney who just cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars in Trump attorney fees.

I hope Trump had a very expensive attorney.
She may well be a whore.

And, as the abomination, Donald Trump, infers...she may not be the prettiest woman around.


Says a shitload more about Donald Trump than it does about Stormy Daniels.

Thank for the opportunity to mention that, Grugore.
Stormy sells her body; that's the definition of a whore. But we should pity her. She's mentally unstable, gullible and hired a loser for an attorney who just cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars in Trump attorney fees.

So did Melania.. Do you hold the Johns accountable as well?
She may well be a whore.

And, as the abomination, Donald Trump, infers...she may not be the prettiest woman around.


Says a shitload more about Donald Trump than it does about Stormy Daniels.

Thank for the opportunity to mention that, Grugore.

And yet, you lefties always told us that this is a matter between two adults. Why, even Hillary re-affirmed this the other day regarding her husband banging interns in the White House. But you're okay with that you brain damaged lying leftist hypocrite?
And yet, you lefties always told us that this is a matter between two adults. Why, even Hillary re-affirmed this the other day regarding her husband banging interns in the White House. But you're okay with that you brain damaged lying leftist hypocrite?

It's only "immoral" when a conservative does it, you know.
So did Melania.. Do you hold the Johns accountable as well?

Liberals proclaimed that these are matters between two adults? When BillyBob was banging interns in the White House, that's what you lying leftist hypocrites told everyone. Has that now changed? You now climb upon the moral high ground and judge Trump?

STFU, seriously.
Liberals proclaimed that these are matters between two adults? When BillyBob was banging interns in the White House, that's what you lying leftist hypocrites told everyone. Has that now changed? You now climb upon the moral high ground and judge Trump?

STFU, seriously.

Remember "bimbo eruptions?"
If you paid for anything during a date or supported a girlfriend, mistress or wife, you have paid for it. I hope you got your money's worth. :laugh:

I never married. I never had a date where we didn't split any costs, by mutual agreement. I have bought them gifts, but that was because I liked them. It was not a payment for services rendered. Perhaps you are unaware that a man and a woman can be together simply for the enjoyment of each others company?