When is a whore not a whore?

To be sure, the sex trade can be, and is very often, horrific and exploitative. It damages people beyond repair. But, I don't think a prostitute or a porn star should be called a whore. Plainly because it means nothing. It only represents masculine vitriol; a human--whether man or woman--is free to do what one wants with one's own body. That prostitution is illegal is another matter. I bat for its legalization, not regulation.

In short, according to me, a woman does not become a whore because she "sells her body." I think the word "whore" should just be phased out. It makes no sense to me. I don't mean to offend anybody; just stating my stance :)
Some idiot tried to tell me that Stormy Daniels is not a whore. Said there was a difference between a porn star and a whore. Aside from their paychecks and working conditions, I really don't see a difference. Do you?

Daniels is a porn star.

The difference between a whore and a porn star is that both the guy and the girl are being paid to have sex as actors.

i also think she’s a liar. I think she hoped to gain fame and fortune off her alleged tryst with Trump.
Daniels is a porn star.

The difference between a whore and a porn star is that both the guy and the girl are being paid to have sex as actors.

i also think she’s a liar. I think she hoped to gain fame and fortune off her alleged tryst with Trump.

Bingo. She's getting old and is trying to scrape together a retirement fund. What will she have to sell when her beauty is gone? "Stories".