When is a whore not a whore?

I never married. I never had a date where we didn't split any costs, by mutual agreement. I have bought them gifts, but that was because I liked them. It was not a payment for services rendered. Perhaps you are unaware that a man and a woman can be together simply for the enjoyment of each others company?

What a cheap fuck you are!Can't take a lady out and pick up the tab?
No wonder no woman would marry your cheap ass!
What a cheap fuck you are!Can't take a lady out and pick up the tab?
No wonder no woman would marry your cheap ass!

Wrong. I simply refused to date a gold digger. Every woman I dated was employed and able to support herself. Sex is not a commodity to be bought and sold. It is something that is shared by two people who care about each other. Money is not even a consideration.
Wrong. I simply refused to date a gold digger. Every woman I dated was employed and able to support herself. Sex is not a commodity to be bought and sold. It is something that is shared by two people who care about each other. Money is not even a consideration.

I suppose when you take your fist out to dinner...you pay for it...right!

Priorities are important.

OK. It is. But it shouldn't be. It was originally something reserved for a married couple. But degenerate sinners transformed it into something that is a perversion of what God intended. If everyone would wait to have sex until they were in a stable married relationship and able to support a family, many of the world's problems would simply disappear.
Some idiot tried to tell me that Stormy Daniels is not a whore. Said there was a difference between a porn star and a whore. Aside from their paychecks and working conditions, I really don't see a difference. Do you?
Well there's a huge difference. A Porn Star gets paid.
Stormy sells her body; that's the definition of a whore. But we should pity her. She's mentally unstable, gullible and hired a loser for an attorney who just cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars in Trump attorney fees.

No...that's the definition of a prostitute. A whore gives it away.
You always pay for it and always will. As the famous British Prime Minister Disraeli said when asked about his views on sex. He said "The moment is fleeting, the position embarassing and the price damnable!".

Mott should know. He bought a Filipina woman. Turns out that he didn't get what he paid for, exactly. :rofl2:
Wrong. I simply refused to date a gold digger. Every woman I dated was employed and able to support herself. Sex is not a commodity to be bought and sold. It is something that is shared by two people who care about each other. Money is not even a consideration.

Taking a woman out and picking up the tab,doesn't make her a gold digger.
Face it you're a cheap motherfucker
I don't have a problem with whores.
Why would I care about whores?
What consenting adults do is their business.

I have a big problem with fucking Trumpanzees.
The damage they've done to the Republic is everybody's business.
OK. It is. But it shouldn't be. It was originally something reserved for a married couple. But degenerate sinners transformed it into something that is a perversion of what God intended. If everyone would wait to have sex until they were in a stable married relationship and able to support a family, many of the world's problems would simply disappear.

Sounds good,doesn't apply to you!
Because no woman will marry a cheap bastard that won't pick up a tab.
Some idiot tried to tell me that Stormy Daniels is not a whore. Said there was a difference between a porn star and a whore. Aside from their paychecks and working conditions, I really don't see a difference. Do you?

neither did Donny the orange

he prefers to pay women for sex

just like Melania, this women took money to get naked

have you seen the first ladys muff?

millions have because she got a paycheck to show it