When is the debate going to happen between yurt and rune?

Your opinion on the upcoming debate

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Incredible that YOU would demean anyone else's spelling or grammar :facepalm:

Are you so stupid that you're unaware that I'm mocking his own attempt at demeaning another?
OH-WAIT; you are that stupid and unfortunately, stupid can't be fixed. :palm:
it's true... 007 named the date and the bar, and I showed up as requested. Brought my son along at the brief stop on our road trip from maine to NYC.... the bar was a mediocre tourist place, and, after recording my presence on the date and time in question, we drove off. Easy peasy.

No you didn't, Liar.
it's true... 007 named the date and the bar, and I showed up as requested. Brought my son along at the brief stop on our road trip from maine to NYC.... the bar was a mediocre tourist place, and, after recording my presence on the date and time in question, we drove off. Easy peasy.

when are you going to stop trolling and misrepresenting my positions? I think I'll do that then.

Another Republican crybaby with a persecution complex. I misrepresented you? What a joke. I posted your comments verbatim while you OBVIOUSLY edited my post to make it seem I was answering "yes" to something that I rejected. You are just another dishonest Republican coward, trying to divert attention by whining about how mean the opposition is.
Another Republican crybaby with a persecution complex. I misrepresented you? What a joke. I posted your comments verbatim while you OBVIOUSLY edited my post to make it seem I was answering "yes" to something that I rejected. You are just another dishonest Republican coward, trying to divert attention by whining about how mean the opposition is.

YOU ARE LYING about my positions you fucking idiot. I am not going to address your obvious hyperbole and bullshit. you want an honest discussion, the impetus is going to be on you.
YOU ARE LYING about my positions you fucking idiot. I am not going to address your obvious hyperbole and bullshit. you want an honest discussion, the impetus is going to be on you.

I did not lie at all. I posted your statements without addition or subtraction which you failed to do while attacking me. Sorry about your butt hurt, but fuck you, you fake ass libertarian. I am not going to kiss your ass in order to get you to explain your clearly unlibertarian views. You, sf and the other stupid Republicans can get back to your circle jerk.
so you post something that doesn't back up your original claim, I continue to say that youre being stupid, and somehow... I don't know.. I don't know what conclusion you are trying to get at or how you do it.

go support midnight basketball and grab guns you fake libertarian.
so you post something that doesn't back up your original claim, I continue to say that youre being stupid, and somehow... I don't know.. I don't know what conclusion you are trying to get at or how you do it.

go support midnight basketball and grab guns you fake libertarian.

I absolutely proved my claim, fake libertarian. You reject the libertarian position on immigration. You failed to offer anything to support your assertions.
What is wrong with you two morons. You're both "real" libertarians, one of you is obviously stupidly slanted to the conservative spectrum, and the other, the incredibly rare, unique and intelligent liberal libertarian spectrum.
you originally said I wanted all immigrants killed or some other nonsense

I NEVER said that. You are a proven liar. For instance, you quite obviously lied about my response to ca.

My assertion was that your views on immigration were not consistent with libertarian ideals. You are not a libertarian. You are just an asshole.
What is wrong with you two morons. You're both "real" libertarians, one of you is obviously stupidly slanted to the conservative spectrum, and the other, the incredibly rare, unique and intelligent liberal libertarian spectrum.

Personally, I think I am a straight up libertarian. You seem to lean a little left, as I believe you support social welfare programs and I don't.

I just don't think that cops organizing a basketball league violates rights in the same way that them doing no knock raids with military weapons does. That is not left leaning, it is just sane and in touch with reality.

Grind's positions are based on him being an asshole and little more.
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Personally, I think I am a straight up libertarian. You seem to lean a little left, as I believe you support social welfare programs and I don't.

a true libertarian, or any member of a party, wouldn't say they think they are X. they would say I know, or - I am

professor faxter is now in a spiral of self doubt. I am glad I brought this on. He gets filled with rage more everyday as the truth reveals itself. The fake libertarian is being exposed.