I know your type very well indeed. Your type is what drove me out of the democratic party because I could no longer stomach people who are so full of themselves they think anyone who does not toe the line to their political philosophy is a douche bag. Yes, I am angry with people who act as you do, despising others for having the unmitigated nerve to hold an opposing opinion. It is your type (and there are many of them in the republican party also) that polarizes politics to the point our government end up pointlessly bickering along partisan lines instead of solving the problems they were elected to solve.
No, I do not know you personally. But when you come out calling someone you don't know a douche bag, and admit it is because of their political beliefs, that tells me a lot about the type of person you are. People who despise people for holding opposing opinions rarely care for strangers in any meaningful manner. Hence my doubt that you actually care for those who died in Iraq.
I have also seen what you post about the military, and your opinion of those who join the military. That, again, indicates to me you have little actual feeling for those who died in Iraq.
In short, what you write speaks a lot about you. And not by going through the psychobabble nonsense of assuming you are "projecting" or crap like that. Your are an arrogant, hateful and spiteful little twit without a clue of the reality of people.
The only reason I am minimally affected by Charlton Heston's death is I enjoyed his acting. Had he dies while still acting I would probably be quite saddened by his passing. But since his activities in film were limited to doing voices in animated religious films, I shall not miss him greatly.
I do have a grand nephew who regularly attends one of Mr. Heston's after school facilities. So I do regret his passing on that matter. But then I am certain he would have left a fund behind to continue to support his work there.
My response to this thread has nothing to do with how I feel about his passing. What it does have to do with is anger at mindless little twits like yourself who engage in inhumanistic tirades about people who died, just because they weren't of your political party. You are pathetic, and I despise what your kind is doing to my country.
Dude get a grip. I'm not reading this post. A fucking actor died of OLD AGE, and you've gone sideways and are writing pages about it on a message board .
See a doctor.