Ok, why are we in Iraq ?
Because our country is full of spineless politicians from both parties who pander to every fleeting public fancy, and our nation is full of morons like yourself who are easily convinced that war is a good idea.
Check it yourself, the public initially supported the invasion of Iraq overwhelmingly. It's only when it started going badly that they lost their enthusiasm.
But in any case, Iraq is an issue of overexaggerated importance. Years from now we will remember this as the decade that saddled us with an unaffordable universal healthcare system and did nothing to reform Social Security.
Iraq is good theater, and that's why it gets the political attention it does. Hacks on both sides love using the danger and chaos to make their political points seem all the more dramatic. But years from now within my lifetime, it will be remembered fleetingly and vaguely like the failed Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan in the '70s.
We will wonder how we were so stupid as to focus on this issue to the exclusion of more important problems like the deficit and our fiscal sustainability.
Iraq is the issue of pseudo-intellecutals and those who are too shortsighted to see the longer term consequences of our current fiscal decisions.