When the Constitution was trashed and how we may never recover.

The Constitution is now dead.

We will not get it back.

Buckle Up Fuckers

It is my sincere hope that we are wrong. But once that genie has been let out of the bottle, and the SCOTUS allows it, yes, it's probably too late.

The only hope, in my opinion, is to eradicate the leftist morons in our educational establishment in infuse the system with real teachers. Ergo, eradicate the Unconstitutional Department of Education.
Where? Liberal has worked for me all my life!

You should try it.

I bet you have many liberal views, you have just been taught that liberal is a bad word.

If the colonists that first came to America were conservative they would have sided with the English!

It was liberals that won the revolutionary war- and our freedom!

This is why I don't use the word "liberal" to describe progressive leftist morons like you. You're not a liberal. You're an uninformed, shrill leftist moron on steroids. ;)


1. willingness to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; openness to new ideas:
"one of the basic tenets of liberalism is tolerance"

2.a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise:
"representative democracy operates under the principles of classical liberalism"

Sure as hell doesn't sound like your every day progressive Democrat Fascist.
Conservatives: Denial will not work, and it is immoral.

I am not interested in any of your lectures on how morally grounded you are.

You're becoming quite a nutbag these days. You used to make sense if my memory serves me right.

It was washed at freedom of religion = infiltrated with a slew of lies and deceptions.

I Have come to find in recent years I have been fighting the globalist crime organizations all along since year 2000 of which I have been in contact with a thousand Federal, Provincial and Territorial Canadian officials as well as UK Mp's and even House of Lords members (up to a thousand of them) since year 2000. In recent years I have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries on several occasions each year for approximately a half a decade in recent years. I have likely been banned from more social sites that most are aware ever existed. When you share facts backing your claims on the foundations of primary issues you address revealing many for the compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers they prove to be and those liars can't contest you exposing them with even so much as a shred of validity, they make up lies about you of vacant un backed claims as justification to ban you. Once they ban you then the intellectual cowards make up more lies about you knowing you can't post on their garbage sites. Go ahead and type my name in a search engine and that is what you are likely to find still at the top of the search list. I have found that many so called officials of many so called countries turn their backs on citizens, turn their backs on democracy and instead cater to the dictatorship of lobbyists of which lobbyists for the most part are globalist crime organization lap dogs.

Needed, an independent no party governing system to break the chains of globalist / lobbyist infiltration in several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day. You actually represent what your constituents want instead of catering to lobbyist dictatorship of which again lobbyists for the most part are globalist crime organization lap dogs who keep control of officials through controlling precisely political parties narratives ...

I also have found that thousands of years already prove that as long as religion is around there will never be global unity as well as lies lead to war and divide. Now globalists, leftists, selfish interest groups such as lgbt, antifa blm etc., politicians, main stream media etc. all follow religious example of ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start trying to force such rubbish upon everyone else. Lies lead to war and divide and globalists love this because they seek to divide and conquer several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day hence why they love chaos.

It appears that the general populations greed, selfishness and ignorance (the religious etc.) will never allow us to unite thus very likely lends to the globalists taking an easy victory as they work towards what looks like killing off the masses and enslaving whom ever is left to do their dirty work, like extract the resources such as oil of which now they lobby countries to shut down production so those resources can be scooped by the selfish and the greedy currently using every pathetic lie and deception to divide and conquer.

Conspiracy: When the same shady tactics are unfolding in several countries simultaneously around the world in modern day and recent decades, it is no longer mere theory, it is factual evidence of conspiracy taking place.

Your views are very idealistic and unrealistic.

I was amused by looking up the Canadian Constitution by the way; 85 pages???
no, bitch. quit lying. if the founders did not want only members of a well regulated militia to have the right to bear and own arms as a constitutional right, then whey did they bring up a "well regulated militia?" of course everyone knew you could own a gun, it was necessary back then, but it was subject to local laws about where and when you could bear them. UNLESS IN A WELL REGULATED MILITIA. the constitution did not give a specific right for people to own dinner tables, but they did anyway.

^Another prime example of how badly our leftist educational establishment is failing our children. :palm:
did you know they said all that shit 230 fucking years ago, when most of them had slaves, when women could not vote, and the most dangerous gun was a fucking musket? and very few cops, and very few butcher stores, and guns were necessary for most colonists? not like today? get it?


you are the clueless bitch, boy. all the punk ass gun nuts blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

and now you need to take a math class, and maybe also serve in the military yourself..........

what is it with you moronic government loyalists these days? did your abusive parents beat the common sense out of you as a child?

your premise of the 'rogue military' is exactly why the 2nd was written, dumbshit.


It is my sincere hope that we are wrong. But once that genie has been let out of the bottle, and the SCOTUS allows it, yes, it's probably too late.

The only hope, in my opinion, is to eradicate the leftist morons in our educational establishment in infuse the system with real teachers. Ergo, eradicate the Unconstitutional Department of Education.

Wow. You have a severe case of paranoia.
Those are in the Constitution you idiot. What do you think protecting our borders and the American people means? :palm:

Executive orders are part of running the Government you idiot. :palm:

That is part of the Departments I have already listed idiot. :palm:

Treaties are most certainly in the realm of Constitutional reality idiot. :palm:

[size-3]Yes, it is constitutional. It's called protecting our borders idiot. [/size] :palm:

A President most certainly can act in an emergency. The declaration comes later. The most egregious abuses of this, of course, have been Democrats.

I do wish you had a point to the topic. Really I do.

You proved my point.

Even conservatives favor governmental action not specifically written into the Constitution. The philosophy of "textualism" that we follow only the text in the Constitution means "unless there are things we want government to do not actually included in the document."

I did not say I oppose any of these powers, only that those who are critical that government has exceeded its constitutional power also favor those same laws.

Can you cite the provision about protecting the borders? Defending against foreign enemies is not the same thing as immigration control.
Can you cite the provision about protecting the borders?

Last time I looked, the Executive executes the laws of the land and oversees the Border patrol correct?

6 U.S. Code § 211 - Establishment of U.S. Customs and Border Protection; Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, and operational offices

This is why I hate arguing with idiots; they have to be educated instead of being capable of debating.

Defending against foreign enemies is not the same thing as immigration control.

No. They are two different things. Defending against enemies does not necessarily mean at our borders, as evidenced by just about every war in modern times.

Legislation dictates what occurs at our borders, which is, of course, the responsibility of the Executive branch.
Our constitution was never well written in the first place.

It was fraught with compromises in order to merge incompatible former colonies into one nation.