Follow you around? You're the one who has been spamming threads after threads with your retarded incoherent posts with same dumb memes and gifs with no substance at all.
Time for your diaper change unhinged loon.
Follow you around? You're the one who has been spamming threads after threads with your retarded incoherent posts with same dumb memes and gifs with no substance at all.
He's too retarded to comprehend what you said. He's a Trumpkin so that is to be expected.
Address the OP, please.
Address the topic, not other posters.
Did they? Can you link us to the decision that supports your rhetoric?![]()
I seem to be arguing with one right now.
The president executes the law regarding the border patrol. But, you missed the point. What constitutional provision gives Congress the power to create the border patrol to control immigration?
The courts have indeed ruled the government has the power to regulate immigration, but it is not based on anything contained in the Constitution.
Once again; how was it a "Muslim" ban if the word "Muslim" was not part of the order? I know why you cannot answer the question with any honesty. You don't like to believe that you're wrong and uninformed.
You sound like a left wing parrot right now.![]()
Once again; how was it a "Muslim" ban if the word "Muslim" was not part of the order? I know why you cannot answer the question with any honesty. You don't like to believe that you're wrong and uninformed.
You sound like a left wing parrot right now.![]()
No, I have to explain basic concepts to you to help you understand. You should be happy because I do it for free.
The fact that you cannot see it is what the problem is.
You think 1/6 was just a peaceful tourism.
This is why I don't use the word "liberal" to describe progressive leftist morons like you. You're not a liberal. You're an uninformed, shrill leftist moron on steroids.
1. willingness to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; openness to new ideas:
"one of the basic tenets of liberalism is tolerance"
2.a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise:
"representative democracy operates under the principles of classical liberalism"
Sure as hell doesn't sound like your every day progressive Democrat Fascist.![]()
So you still can't tell me what Trump did that destroyed America. Are you incapable of comprehending how stupid that statement is? Is America destroyed assclown?
Another of your moronic lies. Can you find any post where I said this? If not, admit you're nothing but an unhinged, thread trolling liar.
So let me understand this; you claim Trump destroyed America because of the protests on 1/6? How fucking stupid are you? That was rhetorical of course.![]()
Thanks for you honesty about liberalism.
But you can keep the personal insults. Just because someone disagrees with me on policy is not a reason for me to insult people.
But, I am going to give you credit for understanding what is defined as liberalism.
Article I, Section 1 you moron.
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Be less stupid. If there is a point to your nonsense, I sure would like to know what it is.![]()
Congress has legislative powers, but those powers must be based on constitutional authority. Where does the Constitution give Congress the power to legislate about controlling immigration?]
Where does the constitution mention stop signs?!
The courts ruled Trump did not have the authority to perform those acts; but, according to you, he can do anything unless specifically prohibited.
Did they? Can you link us to the decision that supports your rhetoric?![]()
I guess you don't follow the news:
State of Washington and State of Minnesota v. Trump, 847 F.3d 1151 (9th Cir. 2017),
Describing the law to posters who obviously didn't follow the news is neither left or right. The Constitution didn't mention slavery or slaves, either, but they were in there.
But you can keep the personal insults. Just because someone disagrees with me on policy is not a reason for me to insult people.
So you agree that 1/6 almost destroyed democracy that day? People almost got killed that day?
And the fact that we wasted tax money to prove election fraud. That's another thing.
I can keep going but I doubt it will help since you're a Trumpian loon.
Yep. And he sure ain't liberal!
Address the OP, please.
Address the topic, not other posters.