When the Constitution was trashed and how we may never recover.

Where did I say that? Why lie all the time?

I said your claim that 1/6 almost destroyed Democracy is not merely false, but borders on lunacy.

So you think it was a peaceful tourism? I noticed that you didn't answer the question.

The ONLY people who died that day were.....wait for it....UNARMED protestors. I see why you voted for Biden. You're a fucking idiot.

They were not unarmed, dumbass. And why do you always assume that people with opposing views voted for Biden? See you are exhibiting your Trumpianness again.

So you think that is destroying America? How fucking retarded are you? That was, of course, rhetorical. :palm:

Trump destroyed voters' confidence in the election system. We saw that on 1/6. But of course your IQ is too low to comprehend.
Congress has legislative powers, but those powers must be based on constitutional authority. Where does the Constitution give Congress the power to legislate about controlling immigration?

That has got to be the dumbest argument I've ever seen on the Constitution. I think we're done here. I can't argue with an uneducated moron who makes laughably stupid arguments like this. :palm:

Now you sound like some of the liberal posters who believe Congress can pass any law without specific constitutional power.

Now you're flailing and spamming me with strawmen. :palm:

You think Congress can legislate anything it wants to? You are missing an important step in your knowledge of civics.

Where did I make that argument strawman? You think you can just fabricate bullshit and demand we debate it? :palm:

Turning to insults shows you have nothing of substance to contribute.

Calling you and idiot isn't an insult. It accurately describes your asinine claims and strawmen. I sure we are done here. It's obvious you like wallowing in ignorance.

So you think it was a peaceful tourism? I noticed that you didn't answer the question.

I did answer it you lying leftist loon. I asked you where I claimed it was peaceful tourism.

You do know what a strawman is right dipshit?

They were not unarmed, dumbass.

REALLY? What were they armed with; knives? Guns? Explosives? The only people who died that day were unarmed protestors, Dumbass. :palm:

And why do you always assume that people with opposing views voted for Biden?

Why do you assume that you have a view? So far, all you have displayed is a propensity for absurd, asinine lie filled claims and thread trolling.

I assumed YOU voted for Biden because you're a dumbass. Only dumbasses would vote for a guy so incapable and senile. Are you claiming you didn't vote for Biden?

See you are exhibiting your Trumpianness again.

I see you're acting like a dishonest thread trolling dumbass again. :palm:

Trump destroyed voters' confidence in the election system.

Do you have any factual links to support that moronic claim? Your statement, again, was that he was destroying America. Try to remember what you said two seconds ago jackass. :palm:

We saw that on 1/6. But of course your IQ is too low to comprehend.

What you saw on 1/6 was the result of half the country watching the judiciary make a mockery of State election systems and believing that their candidate was cheated.

This is something Fascistic dumb fucks on the left do a lot of; they make a mockery of the system and create chaos while cheating elections, then project their actions onto others. I know, you're one of those simple minded. uneducated morons on the left that buys into the Biden Miracle.

But the data and facts suggest something was just not right about this last election. When people feel cheated, they act on it. January 6th, for the most part, was an amazing display of Democracy and, aside from a few bad eggs, was mostly peaceful. It was no more a threat to Democracy and America than you being a threat of making an intelligent post.

Now run along you boorish asshat and change those diapers.
See? There you go again, acting like a whiny far left loon.

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

Address the OP, please.

Address the topic, not other posters.
I did answer it you lying leftist loon. I asked you where I claimed it was peaceful tourism.

So yes you agree that it wasn't peaceful and it was a threat to democracy? Why are you being difficult?

What were they armed with; knives? Guns? Explosives?

Yep. Glad you understand now. :thumbsup:

Progress, grasshopper. Progress.

Why do you assume that you have a view? So far, all you have displayed is a propensity for absurd, asinine lie filled claims and thread trolling.

:lolup: This guy thinks nobody here but him has a view. :rofl2: It's the definition of a mental midget. :laugh:

Do you have any factual links to support that moronic claim? Your statement, again, was that he was destroying America. Try to remember what you said two seconds ago jackass. :palm:

So the election fraud was a fraud? A hoax? Glad you understand now.

Progress, my grasshopper. Progress.

What you saw on 1/6 was the result of half the country watching the judiciary make a mockery of State election systems and believing that their candidate was cheated.

Either they lost the confidence in the election system or they don't. Make up your mind.
Where does the constitution mention stop signs?!

The federal government doesn't make stop signs. It is under the 10th Amendment reserved power of the states included under the police powers to protect health, safety, welfare, and morals. Then, under that power, the state passes legislation providing providing traffic laws.

Things as specific as a stop sign are statutory, not constitutional.
That case doesn't support your rhetoric dimwit. :palm:

It is right there in the case you cited "violates the Fifth Amendment guarantee of equal protection under the law because it was intended to harm and discriminate against their States' residents based upon their national origin or religion, and therefore it also violates the Establishment Clause because it was meant to "disfavor Islam and give preference to Christianity"
That phrase is not in the Constitution.

Sure it does. I was wrong about the last word.

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
You haven't described the law. In fact, you keep avoiding the facts of our laws. I'll ask again, how did Trumps EO ban Muslims? Where did it even mention Muslims? :palm:

The law does not have to specifically mention Muslims if that is clearly the intent of the law and Trump had made several references to that intent.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. "

This constitutional provision does not say blacks or slaves, but who do you think "other Persons" refers to? The exact words do not have to be used for something to be included in the law.
no, bitch. quit lying.
You are describing yourself again.
if the founders did not want only members of a well regulated militia to have the right to bear and own arms as a constitutional right, then whey did they bring up a "well regulated militia?"
You don't get to speak for the dead. You only get to speak for you. The Constitution of the United States is the ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution of the United States.

I have already answered your question. RQAA.

The 2nd amendment discusses to similar rights, not to be messed with:
The right of a State (or any government) to defend itself. It does this through organizing an army...a militia.
The right of the individual to defend himself. He does this with the weapon of his choice (not just guns). That includes the right to defend his community.

Do not ask this question again. It has already been answered. I just answered it AGAIN.
of course everyone knew you could own a gun, it was necessary back then, but it was subject to local laws about where and when you could bear them. UNLESS IN WELL REGULATED MILITIA.
There is no 'unless' clause in the 2nd amendment.
the constitution did not give a specific right for people to own dinner tables, but they did anyway.
The constitution does not give rights. Rights do not come from a piece of paper.
if in a well regulated militia. duh. try to read.
There is no 'if' clause in the 2nd amendment. Duh. Try to read.
and all rights can be infringed upon in case of emergency or when it threatens the peace of the safety of citizens at large.
there are no absolute rights, period.
Yes there are. The right of self defense is one of them.
assault weapons were banned,
There is no such thing as an 'assault weapon'. It is unconstitutional to ban any gun or any other weapon.
and are banned even today in some sensible states.
restrictions on who can buy a gun,
on where guns can be carried are laws in almost every state.
There is no 'if' clause in the 2nd amendment. Duh. Try to read.


Yes there are. The right of self defense is one of them.

There is no such thing as an 'assault weapon'. It is unconstitutional to ban any gun or any other weapon.




wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. but thanks for playing.
You are describing yourself again.

You don't get to speak for the dead. You only get to speak for you. The Constitution of the United States is the ONLY authoritative reference of the Constitution of the United States.

I have already answered your question. RQAA.

The 2nd amendment discusses to similar rights, not to be messed with:
The right of a State (or any government) to defend itself. It does this through organizing an army...a militia.
The right of the individual to defend himself. He does this with the weapon of his choice (not just guns). That includes the right to defend his community.

Do not ask this question again. It has already been answered. I just answered it AGAIN.

There is no 'unless' clause in the 2nd amendment.

The constitution does not give rights. Rights do not come from a piece of paper.

you are too stupid to understand. go to your room.