When they tell you who they are

The fact that Trump STILL a serious contender is a reflection of two things - a) people think the idiots on Fox News and anything posted on social media is news and b) the Democratic party has absolutely lost it's fucking mind and aligned itself with some of the worst ideas in the history of our country....all in the matter of a decade.

As a person who just wants sanity and reason, the lack of introspection by Dems when Trump won was truly astounding.
:lolup: Doesn't know he is the idiot. But then, they say stupid people don't even know they are stupid.
TDS is a sign of someone lacking any brains and thinking the twilight zone is real. :palm:
TDS? But have to say pairing Trump and Derangement always sounded perfect. If you ever watched the Twilight Zone you would understand. When millions believe one man over evidence and dozens around him that point out what he is that is bizarre and worse. Like the Twilight Zone. We have seen historically when a demagogue speaks and acts like this the end result is not good. But you know that.
Irony from a whiny crying leftist SOB. Leftist lack intelligence and self-awareness.
Its funny that someone called Truth Detector votes for the biggest liar that ever crossed the White House threshold. Truth Defector would be more appropriate. Its your boy that cries everyday about a stolen election and how awful he is treated. I am self aware enough to recognize a lunatic when I see one..........why cant you? Read a few books written by former appointees if you want to see the real Idiotweeter.......THere are lots of them.
TDS? But have to say pairing Trump and Derangement always sounded perfect. If you ever watched the Twilight Zone you would understand. When millions believe one man over evidence and dozens around him that point out what he is that is bizarre and worse. Like the Twilight Zone. We have seen historically when a demagogue speaks and acts like this the end result is not good. But you know that.
LIF. Grow up.
Its funny that someone called Truth Detector votes for the biggest liar that ever crossed the White House threshold. Truth Defector would be more appropriate. Its your boy that cries everyday about a stolen election and how awful he is treated. I am self aware enough to recognize a lunatic when I see one..........why cant you? Read a few books written by former appointees if you want to see the real Idiotweeter.......THere are lots of them.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself. You cannot blame YOUR problems on Truth Detector or anybody else.
TDS? But have to say pairing Trump and Derangement always sounded perfect. If you ever watched the Twilight Zone you would understand. When millions believe one man over evidence and dozens around him that point out what he is that is bizarre and worse. Like the Twilight Zone. We have seen historically when a demagogue speaks and acts like this the end result is not good. But you know that.
It's apparent you have been sumarily gaslighted by the media and are gullible enough to swallow and parrot all their dumb lies about Trump.

The reason is simple. You lack the capacity to think for yourself, therefore, leave the thinking to others.
Its funny that someone called Truth Detector votes for the biggest liar that ever crossed the White House threshold.

I didn't vote for Biden.

What's even more amazing is unintelligent, Non thinking dullards who voted for Biden whining about liars. If Bidens lips are moving, he's lying.

Truth Defector would be more appropriate.

Weak sauce. But alas, I didn't expect much more from someone who can't think for himself and parrots MSNBC bullshit.

Its your boy that cries everyday about a stolen election and how awful he is treated.

Wrong. That would be the lying leftist media doing all the crying every fucking day with nothing but TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP and January 6th.

Equally amusing is this moronic notion that the 2020 election was as pure as the driven snow. :laugh:

I am self aware enough to recognize a lunatic when I see one..........why cant you?

That's not self-awareness. That's delusion. :palm:

Read a few books written by former appointees if you want to see the real Idiotweeter.......THere are lots of them.

I don't need to read books written by angry RINOs with little self-awareness and who are peddling their lies to get rich. I can see with my own eyes what is happening.
It's apparent you have been sumarily gaslighted by the media and are gullible enough to swallow and parrot all their dumb lies about Trump.

The reason is simple. You lack the capacity to think for yourself, therefore, leave the thinking to others.
You are good at insults and that seems to be it. Anyone that could reasonably think see what your candidate is. And as I said those around him (many of them) have pointed it out. But I guess his "truth" is all you want to hear.
I don't need to read books written by angry RINOs with little self-awareness and who are peddling their lies to get rich. I can see with my own eyes what is happening.
that is what is funny. All of those that drump; appointed and saw what he was are now RINOs because he said they were. Too much evidence TD, WAY too many of them said the same things about him but you only believe him. But dont read anything because DT is a fount of honesty.........btw if walks like duck sounds like one it is one........ now I know why you are Truth Defector. TD stands for Trump derangement.
The fact that Trump STILL a serious contender is a reflection of two things - a) people think the idiots on Fox News and anything posted on social media is news and b) the Democratic party has absolutely lost it's fucking mind and aligned itself with some of the worst ideas in the history of our country....all in the matter of a decade.

As a person who just wants sanity and reason, the lack of introspection by Dems when Trump won was truly astounding.

neocon internationalist fascists are just as destructive as Demtards, probably moreso.

trumps anti-globalism is what all of humanity needs.

trump should actually be emperor of the world.
YOu have to listen.

trump is giving us clear warning that another coup attempt is coming. Are precautions being taken? IF so, what?

We can't count on the courts this time, the so called supreme court is in his pocket.

Do we have a plan for this? Does anyone know?

The idiots gave Biden the power they intended for Trump

Biden will use this power to stop their plan

We have the right man as president
that is what is funny. All of those that drump; appointed and saw what he was are now RINOs because he said they were. Too much evidence TD, WAY too many of them said the same things about him but you only believe him. But dont read anything because DT is a fount of honesty.........btw if walks like duck sounds like one it is one........ now I know why you are Truth Defector. TD stands for Trump derangement.

RINO means globalist corporatist traitor in the trump context.

you don't want to have the globalism discussion, so you pretend it's meaningless.

you're very dumb.