When Venezuela's statues were toppled like ours

change to what?

America is changing from a white country of Western Civilization to a multiracial country. White figures once considered heroes are going to be phased out of the culture. They'll probably still be taught in history classes, but in a much less positive way.
You did not understand the video enough to comment on it, but at least you tried. She NEVER claimed that toppling statues caused the collapse.

You didn't. She said the statues were the first part of a saga that resulted in all the other things, that followed. Can you understand it? seems not. She claimed stupidly that the states resulted in all kinds of censorship. It makes no sense.
Do you poison the well every post? The girl is anecdotal. It is not proof. Disagreeing with her is permissible. Venezuela collapsed because they were a country that relied on a single product, oil. That made them vulnerable to the manipulation of international oil cartels that do not want a share the wealth government to exist. We ignore videos that are meaningless. Were you really convinced by what she said? Toppling statues caused the collapse? Hell just push them back up and wealth is guaranteed.

You did not understand the video enough to comment on it, but at least you tried. She NEVER claimed that toppling statues caused the collapse.
Quote Originally Posted by Evmetro View Post
I am not surprised at how lefties evade discussion of what the young woman in the video has to say.

It's funny just how much Domer had you pegged. I knew you were a troll but you were way too boring to investigate. Learn that discussion and debate require a solid stance to even have a debate. No one is going to debate obscure nonsense or bogus fringe sourcing, nor are we going to entertain all these bogus Republican boogiemen for what has been an innumerable number of times. Your troll games don't work on anyone that knows you.
It's funny just how much Domer had you pegged. I knew you were a troll but you were way too boring to investigate. Learn that discussion and debate require a solid stance to even have a debate. No one is going to debate obscure nonsense or bogus fringe sourcing, nor are we going to entertain all these bogus Republican boogiemen for what has been an innumerable number of times. Your troll games don't work on anyone that knows you.

Nice evasion of the topic. Lefties are like clockwork. Dodge, deflect, divert, convert, invert, redefine, or otherwise evade. Go on now, post another evasion.
Interesting how so many people think it is fine to invade other countries and topple their statues, as in Iraq.

The Iraqi people toppled Saddam's statue and Iraq is better for the removal of Saddam, America hating cabron.