When will white people stop this?

why does owl have to drag that amazonerd shit into every thread......is it mental illness, venereal disease, mental retardation?......what is the cause......
Are you saying that only white people understand/support/defend free speech?

Nope! I'm saying white people are the majority in this country and the majority of them think this is free speech.

Minorities know it's hate speech and we don't condone it, we fight against it. We don't twist the meaning of free speech to suit our agenda. We interpret it the way it's meant to be. We know some "free speech" has consequences. Consequences of which the hateful racist right whites never have to endure because the majority of their race don't see a problem.

I hope that's clear enough for you to stop putting words in my mouth.
Legal masturbation aside, I never considered calling someone to their face a "n*gger", "cunt", "towel head", or "wetback" to be a form of free speech. It is intended to dehumanize, threaten, intimidate, humiliate, and demean. I never cease to be amazed that certain message board forums allow it and consider it a form of "free speech".

I was once called a 'Poo Poo Head'.
Legal masturbation aside, I never considered calling someone to their face a "n*gger", "cunt", "towel head", or "wetback" to be a form of free speech. It is intended to dehumanize, threaten, intimidate, humiliate, and demean. I never cease to be amazed that certain message board forums allow it and consider it a form of "free speech".

Thank you......get them>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Your constitutional law is wrong. Hate speech (not crimes) is free speech and protected by our Constitution. I would hate to think blacks or any other non-whites do not equally support free speech. If white people are the main ones who think hate speech is free speech, then they are the main ones who are correct on this subject.

The courts say we can advocate anything we want (overthrow of government, sex with minors) or call people any offensive names we choose.

I challenge you to show me any examples of hate speech which has been prohibited by governmental bodies and upheld by the courts.

I challenge you to fuck off.
"The ACLU’s Longstanding Commitment to Defending Speech We Hate"

"The ACLU, the nation’s oldest and largest civil liberties organization, has always had its share of critics. Many condemned us for defending Nazis’ right to march in Skokie in the 1970s. Some, like former Attorney General Ed Meese, labeled us the “criminals’ lobby” for advocating for constitutional rights for those accused of crime. We earned few friends when we represented Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen suspected of terrorist ties and killed in a drone strike by the Obama administration. After we represented a white supremacist denied a permit by the city of Charlottesville, we were criticized for defending white supremacists. Such criticism comes with the territory, and does not dissuade us from defending the Bill of Rights, no matter how unpopular our clients may be."
I challenge you to fuck off.

When people run out of factual arguments they resort to insults and foul language. Did your research reveal I am right and hate speech is constitutionally protected free speech? Or, would research actually interfere with your preconceived beliefs?
Any idea where the ACLU stands on this issue?

The Supreme Court's stand on this issue is the only one that matters (legally).

Can you imagine the complexity of trying to define hate speech? For example, TTQ64 would be convicted for comments such as "I fully own up to hating racist white people" as clearly hate speech. He would probably say it ok to hate certain groups.

The less restrictions we put on speech the better. Unfortunately, we cannot convince the PC crowd to allow speech that hurts their feelings.
The Supreme Court's stand on this issue is the only one that matters (legally).

Can you imagine the complexity of trying to define hate speech? For example, TTQ64 would be convicted for comments such as "I fully own up to hating racist white people" as clearly hate speech. He would probably say it ok to hate certain groups.

The less restrictions we put on speech the better. Unfortunately, we cannot convince the PC crowd to allow speech that hurts their feelings.

I stand by that statement. I have reason to hate these violent, nasty, greedy, hateful people.

Racist whites, such as yourself, hate because of skin color.

BTW. I'm a woman. .......you prick.
"The ACLU’s Longstanding Commitment to Defending Speech We Hate"

"The ACLU, the nation’s oldest and largest civil liberties organization, has always had its share of critics. Many condemned us for defending Nazis’ right to march in Skokie in the 1970s. Some, like former Attorney General Ed Meese, labeled us the “criminals’ lobby” for advocating for constitutional rights for those accused of crime. We earned few friends when we represented Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen suspected of terrorist ties and killed in a drone strike by the Obama administration. After we represented a white supremacist denied a permit by the city of Charlottesville, we were criticized for defending white supremacists. Such criticism comes with the territory, and does not dissuade us from defending the Bill of Rights, no matter how unpopular our clients may be."

The NAACP gave Donald Sterling an award..........These organizations bow down to the same racist whites we fight against.

These organizations are usually run by whites.

You're argument is straight out of the racist right wing playbook.
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