Where are all the dragons?


a common misconception yurt. atheism does not seek to explain the beginning of the universe, or anything at all. atheism is only concerned with the active disbelief in god, nothing more.

It just so happens, that most atheists believe in evolution, and in the big bang. But those are separate beliefs and are not inherently tied to atheism.
so there are atheists that don't believe in evolution? what then do they believe? or do they simply not believe anything and that we simply don't know exactly how life came into being?
yes exactly. atheism is not a complex belief system. it's just the rejection of the belief in god. this is actually very obvious i feel like cringing when i have to explain this.
so there are atheists that don't believe in evolution? what then do they believe? or do they simply not believe anything and that we simply don't know exactly how life came into being?

One more time: evolution does not address the origin of life.
i have never seen an "evolution textbook" I have seen biology books with evolution in them, alongside abiogenesis among other things.
There are several theories concerning abiogenisis but no certainty. I think we can become more certain in the future by creating life ourselves using various methods and seeing which ones most closely matched the conditions at the beginning of Earth, and seeing which methods best match what we know about life on earth.
There are several theories concerning abiogenisis but no certainty. I think we can become more certain in the future by creating life ourselves using various methods and seeing which ones most closely matched the conditions at the beginning of Earth, and seeing which methods best match what we know about life on earth.

and yet you're certain that creation as depicted in the bible is a myth
LOL, is that a high school textbook? It may be a college level book. Maybe biology majors have to take "Evolution" classes. But a biology textbook wouldn't just name itself "Evolution", unless its just one of a set of books that the biology class has.

it says this:

Evolution serves as a primary text for undergraduate and graduate courses in evolution. It is also a text working scientists can use to educate themselves on how evolution affects their fields.
and yet you're certain that creation as depicted in the bible is a myth

no we actually believe 6000 years ago man was made out of clay and lived in paradise before god came down and took a rib out of him and made a woman then they ate of the BAD TREE and then had to die
it says this:

Evolution serves as a primary text for undergraduate and graduate courses in evolution. It is also a text working scientists can use to educate themselves on how evolution affects their fields.

Yeah it's a college level book for biology majors.
then why do evolution textbooks address the origin of life? what is darwin's book called the origin of species?

You confuse the word "life" with "species." Darwin theorizes on how the SPECIES originated, nothing to do with life itself, or even the form of life from which he theorizes the human species originated.

Abiogenesis is the theory everything evolved from a common single-cell living organism. It's interesting to note, the actual 'science' involved in the theory, suggests that amino-acids formed by deposits of iron and chemical reactions within a wet clay substrate, could have sparked the first splitting of cells in single-cell organisms, originating "life" at that point. What is interesting is, The Bible speaks of origin of life... God spat into the dust! The Abiogenesis theory could very well prove The Bible was right!
You confuse the word "life" with "species." Darwin theorizes on how the SPECIES originated, nothing to do with life itself, or even the form of life from which he theorizes the human species originated.

Abiogenesis is the theory everything evolved from a common single-cell living organism. It's interesting to note, the actual 'science' involved in the theory, suggests that amino-acids formed by deposits of iron and chemical reactions within a wet clay substrate, could have sparked the first splitting of cells in single-cell organisms, originating "life" at that point. What is interesting is, The Bible speaks of origin of life... God spat into the dust! The Abiogenesis theory could very well prove The Bible was right!

1. Abiogensis concerns the creation of those single-cell organisms. But it's pretty much a given in evolution that we evolved from single celled organisms. Mutli-celled organisms aren't in the strata before around 600 billion year ago, only clumps of single celled organisms.

2. Yes, that's one theory concerning abiogensis. But no theory of abiogensis is particularly strong right now.

3. Yeah, if you interpret the bible in metaphors and treat it like the vague shit psychics spew out I'm sure anything in the bible could match scientific evidence, no matter how the scientific evidence eventually turns out.