Where are all the dragons?

Please. Why I had to "jump on my high horse"...

I simply knocked you off of yours and threw your own word usage "I find it amusing" back at you. Why use the words if you think when others use them they are jumping "on their high horse?"


you assumed all would understand your use of the word and assumed your one and only definition worked....but that is not true

if you had not jumped on your high horse, you would have said.....i meant this definition.....instead of.....
i linked to an evolution textbook that addressed the origin of life, had a whole chapter on it

if they are two completely seperate things, why do people say evolution vs. creation etc....?

apparently i have wrongly believed that evolution also dealt with the origin of life, in that, abiogenesis and rna world hypothesis or any other theory were mere sub theories under evolution. seems many people are wrong on this.

Damo spoke a bit strongly there. Abiogensis would certainly be of interest to those in the field of evolution, because it is required for evolution to begin (even if there is a god, there was probably abiogenesis in how he created life that we'd be interested in finding out). But they are really two different concepts. I wouldn't be surprised if an evolution textbook delved into the subject, but nothing is concrete at this point.
yet you have no idea how life originated....thus, god could have created life the way the bible says

i find it amusing that those who find the bible's story of creation a "myth" have no clue how life actually started, yet claim with absolute conviction that the bible story is a myth, as if it is fact that the bible story is a myth....

I mean, sure yurt, God coulda done it, but there's no evidence for that. If God did it, we're interested in learning HOW HE DID IT. Stopping the investigation at "God did it" gets us nowhere.
I mean, sure yurt, God coulda done it, but there's no evidence for that. If God did it, we're interested in learning HOW HE DID IT. Stopping the investigation at "God did it" gets us nowhere.

There is really no "evidence" for anything, including abiogenesis. There are theories and speculations, but no evidence to support any of it. Stopping the investigation at "impossible for God to have created it because that wud be da majicks" ...that gets us nowhere too!
There is really no "evidence" for anything, including abiogenesis. There are theories and speculations, but no evidence to support any of it. Stopping the investigation at "impossible for God to have created it because that wud be da majicks" ...that gets us nowhere too!
When did I say we should stop there? You are just making stuff up and not reading what I posted. Yeah, I used the word "magic", as according to the dictionary the word can mean this:
any extraordinary or mystical influence, charm, power, etc.: the magic in a great name; the magic of music; the magic of spring.
The power to breathe life into a clay representation of a man is certainly extraordinary. It can also mean the ability to use supernatural forces, which would also fit in this circumstance.

The only person who says that by using that word I mean that some god didn't create man is you, because that is what you wanted me to be saying. It's just wrong. When people use words like "supernatural, magic, or myth" instead of assuming they mean "lie" you may want to actually look up the word and find out all of its meaning before you assume what they believe.