Where Are

you're doing fine at the kid's table all by yourself!

Oh look at this, The Main Man, could this be a lefty pinhead, it is not much of a mystery? Is that your best come back, I hope you did not break a nail typing that one up, not exactly a skewering, butt, what else is new,nothing from you lefties?
you seem long on heat and noise and short on light. your signature line alone both bores me and mildly nauseates me. What do you have to offer?
you seem long on heat and noise and short on light. your signature line alone both bores me and mildly nauseates me. What do you have to offer?

Nothing for you sorry, butt, plenty for the lefty babes. You are not the first lefty man to hit on me here, not even the third, so do not feel bad, consider this me letting you down easy, touche.
All of the lefty men tonight, is there a gay parade or a handbag sale, RJS is bored with no lefties to skewer?

Where are All of the lefty men tonight?

Getting laid.

Its the cons that spend all night on the interwebs cruising for porn.
Oh these lefty men are too funny, now they are all getting laid, RJS thinks that is, as mainman was trying to say butt was not able to put his finger on, no surprise being a lefty, butt, correctly stated, very Faulknonian, a lot of noise signifying nothing?
I was unfamiliar with you so I went and read some of your "material". My initial impression was correct...all heat and noise...no light...no intellectual content.

you go on ignore little man.

damn...this place seems to be filling up with teens with huge E-peens and little little brains.

I never thought I would ever say it, but I wish guys like Dixie were still here. They may have been obstinate assholes, but at least they had some modicum of maturity and intellect.

RJS here could no more talk about foreign policy issues or tax policy or education funding or environmental issues than he could fly.

Damo..... couldn't you put a minimum age limit on here?

Oh these lefty men are too funny, now they are all getting laid, RJS thinks that is, as mainman was trying to say butt was not able to put his finger on, no surprise being a lefty, butt, correctly stated, very Faulknonian, a lot of noise signifying nothing?

I was unfamiliar with you so I went and read some of your "material". My initial impression was correct...all heat and noise...no light...no intellectual content.

you go on ignore little man.

damn...this place seems to be filling up with teens with huge E-peens and little little brains.

I never thought I would ever say it, but I wish guys like Dixie were still here. They may have been obstinate assholes, but at least they had some modicum of maturity and intellect.

RJS here could no more talk about foreign policy issues or tax policy or education funding or environmental issues than he could fly.

Damo..... couldn't you put a minimum age limit on here?


Who is this Dixie, is he prettier than me, you keep talking about him like a long lost love, and then accuse yours truly of not talking about the environment, as if you know anything about that anyway?

mensa my ass.

got your driver's license yet?

really. do you ever talk politics or foreign policy or do you just talk trash?
That is Edward Faulkner, he wrote the Sound and the Fury, signifying nothing, and also wrote, A mule will labor ten years willingly and patiently for you, for the privilege of kicking you once, it almost sounds as if he knew Mainman?

Actually, mensa man...it was william faulkner..... now if you could state the origin of "sound and fury", that would be amazing.

mensa my ass.

got your driver's license yet?

really. do you ever talk politics or foreign policy or do you just talk trash?

MM I hope you do not think you have fooled people into believing you have IA'd the mensa man, by claiming to have done so, and then answering my posts anyway, butt with the big "disguise" of not quoting them? You remind me of a dog I had who thought that when he hid his head, you couldn't see his body? You are not exactly a mensa, in other words, sorry?
I can actually type it from memory:

she should have died hereafter, there would have been time for such a word..tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time...and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. out, out, brief candle..life is but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
signifying nothing.